"Because of this." I tug my sleeve up, showing the red scar on my arm. The Mark that linked me to him. The demon before me shakes her head, looking at the mark cooly, then her eyes flick to the stars at my throat.

"No, Merida." Her voice was quiet. "You've been his favorite long before you got that Mark." I narrow my icy eyes at her.

"Don't play games with me." I scoff, meeting her dark eyes. So dark I thought it was only her pupil, no iris. It seemed to absorb the light instead of reflecting it.

"Games?" She repeats like I spoke another language. "Merida, in all of the lifetimes I've lived, never have I been sent to earth to keep a protective eye on a diseased piece of scum like you." Onoskelis pushes her sleeves up, like she was hot in the room. On the contrary, it was extremely cold. I figured that was also a demon thing. I clench my jaw at her words, but brush them off easily. Her insults meant nothing to me. "I'm a sicario disputabo, not a guardian of a vampire." She sighs deeply, looking around the room like she was bored.

"An assassin?" I translate the latin, crossing my arms as she perked my interest.

"It's rare that a demon will surface. Extremely rare." She presses on, pronouncing her words fully as though to convey how rare it was. Like I was blessed to be witness to it. "Especcially Cain." Onoskelis stood up, and opened the fridge, peaking in. I scratched my chin.

"What are you saying? Wouldn't he visit everyone who has The bloody Mark of Cain?" I ask, watching as she pulls out a package of salami. She rips it open, and sticks a slice into her mouth as though experimentally. "That's probably old." I warn her.

"What do you think it will do to a demon?" She asks me. Her voice barely conveying the sarcasm she had meant.

"Probably nothing." I mutter as she sticks another slice into her mouth.

"Look, I can give you sites of all the land he owns around the world, or at least holds the deed on." Onoskelis looks at me. "But if you plan on trying to kill him, I'd suggest you don't."

"Don't kill him?"

"No, don't try." She answers, her voice perfectly neutral though it was clear she was laughing at me inside. The demon snacks on her salami, and I watch her with a growing sickening feeling.

"Well, I don't want to kill him." I reply, and this threw her off guard, and she looked up at me, scanning my face like she was realizing who I was for the first time ever.

"Oh." her lips suddenly turn into a dark, menancing smile. "I knew he was charming but-"

"What?" I cut her off, shaking my head furiously. "I meant I need him alive to take this off me." I hold out my arm again. She makes a breathy hoarse sound, and I realize after a couple moments she was laughing.

"Whatever you say, Princess." She licks her lips, setting the empty package onto the table. "But good luck, cause he's never taking that off you." Onoskelis leans forward, and her breeath smelled like meat and sulfur. Not a pretty combination. It sent disgusted chills down my spine. "Do you know what he use to say, after we watched you massacre villages, murder children?" She asks, but her question was rhetorical, because she doesn't wait for a reply from me. Her dark eyes flash with interest, and it was clear she was gauging my reaction. I keep my face perfectly still. "After you tore apart those who offended you?" Onoskelis's eye twitched, as though reliving my past sins like it was entertaining. "He'd say, 'There's a Queen, if I've ever seen one.' and Cain spoke of killing you, just so you could join him in Hell." Her lips were so close that I could feel the cold coming off her face. I didn't flinch.

"Stop talking, the only thing sprewing from your mouth is bullshit. But it's about to be your teeth too." I hiss, and faster than my eyes could comprehend, Onoskelis is back in her chair, looking at me with interest and fascination.

Her Majesty // MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now