Ficlets & Extras

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"(He's got a big head!)" One child commented when they placed their stubby hands on his temples. Raphael blinked as a reaction.

"(Are you Shrek's cousin? My brother likes Shrek.)" another asked, head cocked to the side.

"What'd they say?" He asked while a group of them decided to play tug of war with his bulky arm. A small army of four tried to lift it, but only could they play with it with some help from the owner of it.

"You've got a big head." She stated bluntly. The red banded terrapin whipped his head to meet with the lizard girl. All she could do was shrug. "With love, Raph, with love. They're just kids."

"What is this?" Donatello asked a ways away. Although he spoke in a completely different language, he used universal hand motions to get somewhere. "This?" he repeated, pointing directly to the colorful, feathered ball the little girl was repeatedly kicking to keep it in the air. It resembled mostly to a soccer trick.

"Jiàn zi." she answered. "(See?)" the girl dropped the ball. She brought her foot up, letting the ball hit the base of her foot arch. When it got into the air again, she switched legs and repeated the maneuver until she couldn't keep it going anymore.

"Let me try." His fingers tipped towards him, the universal sign of "gimme". Without a flinch, he kindly handed the ball straight into his ball. Donnie dropped the ball and began to copy her movements. Her smile was wider than ever as he kept it going, kicking it higher and higher as she wished.

"(Higher! Higher!)" a young boy cried. Michelangelo, unlike Raph who was afraid to touch the youth, had lifted the child up in a Superman pose. Airplane noises were made as he spun him around and dipped in up and down.

"Fighter pilot!" He chanted. "Dive bomb!" A deep swoop excited the child as he screamed in joy.

"And HERE COMES THE GIANT FIST!" Leonardo shouted, winding up a fist out of play. Michelangelo gasped and began to go in a different direction. Venus jumped out of the way as the two boys were chased by their leader.

"Fly fighter pilot! Go! Go! Go!"

~~~~~Last Stop; Mei Mei's Dress Shop~~~~~~

"(We've come to return your clothing!)" Mona called as they all entered through the shop's door. Mei Mei was already at the counter, beaming as they entered.

"(Welcome back! Did you guys save China?)"

"(Yep!)" Venus led a gang of mutants as they approached the counter.

"(Well, I knew you guys would.)" She pointed a finger as she winked.

"(Leo and his brothers are setting off for America again, so were returning your stuff.)" Leonardo brought up the large kimono she had let him borrow. He had to admit, it was a little hard to let them go, but they weren't his. When he set it on the counter, Mei Mei pushed it away from her. A disgusted expression overtook her face when she did.

"(Keep it.)"

"(Really?)" Venus raised a brow.

"(Definitely! Call it a gift from your favorite Chinese girl.)"

"She's giving them to you." She turned to Leonardo. His face instantly brightened up.

"Wow, really?" He gasped. Mei mei proceeded to nod and smile "Thank you so much, Mei Mei."

"(I have just but one request before they all leave.)"

"(What is it?)" Mona questioned, but before she could answer, she turned to Leonardo who now admired his new kimono in his hands. "Would you be willing to do her a favor?"

"Of course, anything!" Venus gave the 'yes' to her friend. English speaker or not (all these characters seem to forget that these guys don't speak chinese, weird), Mei Mei beckoned Venus to come close. When she did, she whispered her wish into her ear. Venus pulled away and gave the girl an unknowing look. Mei Mei shrugged with a smile, quite guilty.

"Let her hold your arm." Venus shook her head as the girl came from around the counter. Leo was surprised by the weird request, but he did say 'anything'. As apprehensive as he was, he allowed the girl to come by his side. She tried to hide her blush as she reached out and engulfed herself in his scaly arm. "Flex." He raised a brow back to Venus. Was she serious? "Just do it, for her." She pleaded in the name of her friend. What was this girl's intentions? Thoughts of him being a scary mutant were questioned as he pondered other possibilities. Either it was a once in a lifetime thing or she was really digging him, or both. Either way, a promise was a promise. He squeezed the arm she latched onto. The somewhat soft tissue hardened on cue. The girl jumped as her fingers tried to squeeze into his rock-hard skin. He could only keep it up for a short period of time until his muscle became soft again. Those in the background were both laughing and confused at her wish and reaction. He was embarrassed by their actions, but looking at that overly happy smile of that one girl made him smile too. Suddenly, she pressed her body against his arm, engulfing his green limb in her grasp.

"(Please! Can I have them all?!?)" she pleaded.

"(I'd give them to you, but I think it won't be safe for them.)" Mona spoke out of fake concern. Mei Mei looked up at Leonardo, then to the other mutants behind them.

"(You're probably right.)" she admitted.


Jazz Rollins, Jonathan Ellis, and Oroku Saki were all incarcerated and charged with multiple felonies. Rollins and Ellis, now believing Bebop and Rocksteady are their only names, used what little brain power they have to recognize situations or sights in which they create memories together as friends. Oroku Saki tolerates them only because he knows who they truly are and wish to get them back to their previous state. These lead up to the events of Out Of The Shadows.


And Now for some Questions our Chinese girls have immediately after arriving back home in New York:

"Y'all got new clothes?"


"What's this I hear about an alien scare?"


"Why didn't you call us?"


"You met who?" (Casey)

"You were seen by who?!" (Police Department)

"You guys get medals and we're still unknown?!? Uncool."

"Saved the world a second time and we weren't there to help. Just great."

"Heard DeAndre Jordan slipped on pizza thrown on the court. Vern was also hit with spitballs. Did you guys have anything to do with that?"

"Funny Story about that-."

"You went to Brazil?"

"Yes, but only because-."

"Bebop and Rocksteady are back?"

"Sort of."

"Who's Baxter Stockman?"

Book 2: HomeFrontHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin