Valentine's Day was a Little Late

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Putting the deep red lipstick on, my music was running in the background. I had the Maroon 5 radio on and I was jamming out to it. My phone ringing pulled me out of singing the chorus.

"Hey Love," the handsome British voice said.

"Hey Newtie," I replied.

"Are we still on for tonight?" He questioned me.

"So sorry Newt! I totally forgot!" I exclaimed as I remembered what we do every year. Watch movies and eat a bunch of crap. That was how I usually spent my Valentine's Day, but this year, a guy I had met asked me out for Valentine's Day and I said yes. He had a very beautifully chiseled face with the eyes the color of the morning sky. The light brown hair matched his toned skin that was kissed by a god.

"Newt, I met someone," I finally said at last. "I met him a couple of weeks ago and we really hit it off. I know that was our tradition, but I haven't dated anyone since Thomas, I-I just really need this. Sorry Newt," I say into the phone wondering what was going on in his head.

"Don't worry about it Love, some traditions were meant to be broken, I'll talk to you tomorrow," and like that, he hung up. I put my phone only to be startled by the music that I was listening to. I continue to put on the rest of my makeup. I decided to go with a black smokey eye.

"Black goes with everything right?" I thought to myself as I walked into the closet and pondered on what to wear. I would ask Newt, but he sounded quite upset.

I have known Newt since the first grade when I kicked his butt because he called my pigtails ugly. In third grade, I beat him up again because he said my bubblegum nail polish was too girly. In fifth grade, we decided to call it truce and thank god for that because he started to get bigger than me and I didn't know if I could still beat him up and I would not know what to do without him, he is my best friend. Sophomore year is when I really started to like Newt in that nonfriend kinda way.

I knew he never felt the same because of his girlfriend, Harriet. The tracklete, the captain of the cheerleading team, and student body president, she was what every girl wanted to be and what every guy wanted to get. I on the other hand, was the nerd, the one that got straight A's, the school's valedictorian, the one no guy wanted and every girl would not let me live that down. I never had a high school sweetheart. The only Valentine's Day presents I got were from my parents and Newt. But they were only boxes of chocolates that I ate that night all by myself, watching titanic and other sad movies. The day Newt found out Harriet was cheating on him was Valentine's Day. He came over that very night with a red blotchy face.


Putting in the next movie to continue with, I shove a whole handful of fresh popcorn into my mouth. I hear the doorbell ring from downstairs. I open the door to find my bestfriend standing with tears running down his face.

"Newt! What happened? Are you okay?" I bombard him with questions as he comes into my house and sits on my couch.

"She was cheating on me," He simply said as he stared down at the floor. I walk over to him and hug him.

"I am so sorry Newt but, you're gonna fall in love so many times before you find the one you'll be with forever; think of it this way, you're just one broken heart away from a happily ever after," I said in a soothing voice that seemed to calm him down.

"Thanks Y/N, I'm really happy we become best friends," he said when he looked up at me.

"Wanna go watch a movie?" I asked.

"What movie?" He questioned me, "Please don't tell me it is a sad movie," he called from the kitchen where he went to go and make himself a cup of hot cocoa.

"The Notebook, make me a cup too!" I call and run up the steps. I jump on my bed and move the candy wrappers off of the bed and make room for Newt. He comes in and plops down and we watch the movie.

Crying silently, I look over and see him asleep, his blonde locks swept over his eyes. The crinkle in his forehead. I, very slowly, lay down and fall into the darkness of sleep...


Walking out of the closet, I put on the backless dress and red pumps and grab my phone and check my messages:

Johnny: Hey, Y/N. I will be on my way I ten minutes, I bet you look great! Can't wait to see you!

Y/N: Hey Johnny! I can't wait to see you either!

I send the text and run into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I look a myself in the mirror. I haven't looked this good in, I don't know how long! I hear my doorbell and see Johnny in a black suit and red tie.

"You look astonishing!" He says when he see me.

"You don't look so bad yourself," I say back. "Let me grab my jacket, I'll be right back," I say and he nods. I move out of the way so he can come in. I run upstairs and tear apart my room.

"Where is it!" I whisper yell under my breath. When I finally found it, I ran down the stairs and almost bumped into Johnny.

"Okay I got to go bye Mom!" He says into his phone fastly. "Ready to go!" He says. and leads me to the door.


"That didn't happen!" Johnny exclaimed.

"It totally did! I had a coconut fall on my head and IT cracked open I swear!" I said as if it was something I was proud of. "My dad did always call me a hard head!"

"I have to use the rest room but I'll be right back," he said. As Johnny walked away, something slipped out of his pocket, his phone. I went to go and pick it up for him when he got a text message:

Thomas: How's the date going? Did you break her heart yet?

I looked up with tears in my eyes only to be met by Johnny's gaze. The smirk on his face signaled something that made me remember why I broke up with Thomas. Thomas never cared and neither did Johnny. I threw his phone on the ground and stomped on it. My heel went through the screen and I walked away from his horrid scream. I walked all the way to the only place I could think of.

I knock on the door and hear foot steps. About half way here, it started to pour. my makeup was running down my face. I was sobbing.

Why was I sobbing? I barely knew him! but again it was just like Thomas. I found out he asked me out on a bet and I fell for him. the door opened and I turned around. my hair was matted to my head and my uncontrollable sobbing was ridiculous.

"Y/N, what are you doing?" Newt asked me. "H-he asked me out because of Thomas, he was just trying to get back at me," I let out all at once. I crumble to the ground. I hear Newt walk over to me and I feel his arms wrap around me. He lifts me up and brings him in his apartment. I just can't function. The cold seeped to my bones. I just couldn't move. He was gone for a moment. He must have left me. Everyone always leaves me. I start to cry again and this time I don't stop. I didn't even notice when he picks me up and rushes into the bathroom.

He helps me take off my dress and puts me in the bath tub. The hot water burns the cold that seeped in my bones, the sobbing never stopped. Newt pulled my head up to look at him.

"Y/N. Y/N look at me," he starts. "you're gonna fall in love so many times before you find the one you'll be with forever; think of it this way, you're just one broken heart away from a happily ever after," he said to me. I look up at him, I see how sincere he is.

"Y-you remembered what I said to you," I said in such a small voice.

"Of course, I will always remember that. you helped me get over my first heartbreak, you helped me see that I'm one step closer to getting you to love me back," he said still looking in my eyes. "W-what?" "I love you Y/N, I always have," he said. "I love you too, Newt," I said. We both went in. The kiss went on for what seemed like hours. It had sent bubbles in my stomach. I finally broke for some air. "I'll always love you," said Newt at last.

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