Epilogue (Davenport's POV)

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I wake up the next morning with a surprise at my door.

"Hey Levi," I say as he casually leans on the doorframe. The aura around us keeps growing more and more awkward by the moment. "Um," I continue awkwardly. "Please don't take this question offensively, but why are you here?"

He stares at me with a raised eyebrow. "I give up," he says with a sigh. Give up? Give up on what exactly?

"What do you give up on?" I ask curiously.

"My past," he snaps. "I need someone to discuss it with, and Erwin's not here. He's usually the person I go to, but he doesn't come back for another week." He looks up at me with his usual stoic expression. "I thought I should go to you instead."

"Aw," I say bringing my hands to my heart. "That's the nicest thing you've said to me. You know, if I didn't know any better, I would think you were actually opening up to me!"

"Shut up," he says with a glare. "You do realize I can leave at any time right?"

"Yeah," I deadpan. "But I know you well enough that you're not gonna leave without telling me whatever it is you want to tell me."

"You got time?"

I quickly steal a glance at my analog clock. "It's Saturday, I've got plenty of that. Go ahead, there's no need to rush."

"I need to tell you about my past," he says grimly. "Specifically from the time when I attended Montgomery High School."

"Oh," I say sitting forward in my seat. "Continue."

He exhales deeply. "Remember how Damien was talking about his sister dying, and how it was all my fault?"

"Yeah..." I say trying to keep up with him.

"Truth be told, it was all my fault. When I was in high school, I use to be part of a gang. My mom died by the time I was six and my so-called dad abandoned me. My uncle Kennie was all I had left. Before moving to Montague City, I use to live in The Underground City. My unveils taught me all the things I needed to survive. Like how to use a gun and a knife, or how to steal."

"I use to skip school all the time," he continues. "That all ended the day I got caught by Senior officer Smith. He was just a normal Captain at that time, but he was still the same as he is now. He pulled me out of the Underground and made me to go to school at Montgomery High, but my past caught up with me. I might have escaped my old gang friends, but I made a few new ones at Montgomery."

"As for Damien's sister," he says looking down at his lap. "She was the sweetest girl I ever knew. We dated for a while, even though her parents never approved of me. She knew about me, and she didn't have a problem with it. She didn't try to change me at all. But it wasn't until later that I found out it was all for show. She was gathering intel through me on the gang, but I didn't find out until it was too late. My friends...I told them I would reason with her, but they went behind my back and killed her."

"I know what it's like," I say running my fingers through my hair. "I know what it's like to finally be accepted by a person and then loose them. The same exact thing happened to Rodriguez."

"Did you have one too?" he asks with a raised brow.

"Hm?" I ask in confusion. "Have one what?"

"A past," he continues subtly. "One that doesn't exactly...appeal to other people?"

I let out a loud laugh. "Oh no!" I say boisterously. "It's nothing like that! I was a huge science nerd in high school, and I kinda got bullied by everyone. You should've seen me. Talkative and annoying with huge glasses and men's clothing."

"Men's clothing?" he asks.

"Men's clothing," I repeat with a chuckle. "Honestly, no one could tell whether I was a girl or a guy. It's kind of also what I got bullied for too."

Just then, in the midst of our conversation, Levi's phone started ringing. "Hello?" he asks after picking up. "All right," he says after a brief silence, "we'll be there."

"What?" I ask in confusion.

"The bureau has a new case for us to solve."


He let's out a chuckle. "Yeah, already. Now come on!"

I quickly grab my coat and race into the coat closet to grab my house keys, only to be stopped by him on the way out. "Can we get coffee?" he asks sheepishly.

"Did you really pull another all nighter last night?"

"No," he says firmly. "I just want to treat you to a thank you."

"A thank you?" I ask in utter confusion. "For what?"

"For showing me that I'm capable of having a social life," he says before laughing heartily. I punch him in the shoulder, and he keys out a loud yelp. "No seriously!" he continues. "Thank you...for being a friend."

"You're welcome," I say with a smile. "Now shall we go before we get yelled at by the Captain?"

"Let's go," he says joyfully as we walk off to his car.

Maybe, I say smiling even wider. Maybe Rodriguez leaving isn't going to be that bad after all.

THE END!!!!!!

I finally finished my genius hour project! 

I need you guys' help on what I can add, delete, edit, or fix with this story. Please hurry, my project is due this upcoming Monday.

Thank you for all of your support!


A Past Uncovered (Levihan AU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя