Chapter 9 (Davenport's POV)

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So close, I say to myself repetitively while driving the car. We're so damn close to solving this case. 

"Zoe!" De Cruz yells as I snap back into reality, quickly and aggressively ramming my foot on the brakes. "What the hell was that?!" he asks facing me from the front passenger seat. "Are you trying to get us killed?"

"Sorry," I say absentmindedly. "I haven't gotten a single ounce of sleep in the past two days. This case has been messing with my head too much." He mumbles something incoherent as I zone out again, only to be brought back to reality by a honk from the car behind us. 

"Okay! Okay! I'm going!" I yell out of irritation before driving into the parking lot of Montgomery High School. Here it is, I say to myself. Hopefully, this is the last step to find out who's responsible for all of these murders.

"The name of the suspects were Amanda Eden and Georges DiGiovanni, right?" De Cruz asks while pulling out his phone. 

"Yeah," I answer meekly, only to earn a raised eyebrow from him.

"The case is not  what's worrying you," he says while stopping and crossing his arms. "You never act like this, you're usually only quiet when something's wrong. So spill the beans and tell me, what the hell is going on?" 

I inhale deeply. "Rodriguez is dead," I say while rubbing my temples. "I found out last night that he was shot while chasing one of the robbers in a bank heist."

"Oh," De Cruz says in a whisper. "Was there something going on between the two of you?"

"It was complicated," I say with uncertainty. I take a deep breath before contradicting myself. "No it wasn't. I didn't really realize that he had his eyes out for me until he asked me out last summer. He proposed to me last week, and me being the clumsy idiot I am, I told him I would think about it. I was so wrapped up in this case that I completely forgot to tell him my answer."

"What was  your answer?"

"It was a yes," I say with tears flowing down my eyes. "I was going to marry him. He told me ahead of time that if I said yes, then we would get married this September. But that's never gonna happen, at least not anymore."

"Hey," De Cruz says with a look of sympathy on his face. "I know there's not much I can do to make you feel better," he continues, "but I do want you to know that I'm always here to talk, as both a comrade and a friend."

I sniff and wipe away my tears. "Thanks De Cruz," I say with a small smile on my face. 

"Call me Levi," he says holding out a handkerchief. "It's what all my friends call me." Never once had I ever thought I'd hear words like those come out of his mouth.

It's what all my friends call me.


"I thought I already answered all of your questions," Dr. Simons says while pulling on his blazer rather uncomfortably. "Has something else popped up?"

"No," I say matter-of-factly. "We just have another few questions to ask you regarding Wally's high school life. Do you mind?"

"Not at all," he says with a croak.

"We were wondering about two students who went to Montgomery High the same time Wally did. Their names were Amanda Eden and Georges DiGiovanni," I say pulling out a picture of them on my phone. "Do you know anything about these two? Specifically speaking, we want to know which one of them was more protective towards Wally. Perhaps maybe even a bit overprotective."

"There's nothing in particular," he says casually. "Wally didn't have many friends besides those two." He pauses for a second to think before continuing. "However, I can tell you that Eden was closer to him than DiGiovanni was."

"And why is that?"

"It's because Eden would always barge into the fights Wally got into," he continues. "She even received multiple detentions for threatening what may have been the high school bullies."

"Did she keep in touch with him after he dropped out?" Levi asks while scooting to the front of his chair.

"I'm not completely sure," he says while furrowing his eyebrows in thought, "but I do know that she became pretty obsessed with him."

"Obsessed as in how?"

"Obsessed as in love obsessed," he continued. "Everyone in school knew that she had a crush on Wally. She always stood up for him and cared for him. She was there to help him when he needed it. Heck, even the teachers knew! But the problem was, that it was unrequited."

"Obsessive love disorder," I say. 

"What?" Dr. Simons asks.

"It's a disorder where a person gets so obsessed with the person they love, that they won't take rejection as an answer. In fact, they become so obsessed with them that they end up stalking them and anyone they love and or poses a threat to their love or their lover."

"Schizophrenia and Obsessive love disorder," Levi murders from beside me. "Explains perfectly why she continued killing Wally's old enemies after he had died."

I sternly look Dr. Simons in the eye. "Was there anyone else in Montgomery High who bullied Wally and could be a subject to Amanda's rage?"

The principle starts fumbling with the button on his blazer. "There are two people who she could possibly end up killing."

"Who are they?" Levi asks impatiently.

"Eric Sanders," he says with a croak.

"And who else?"

"Me," he says quiveringly. "I never did anything wrong," he continues, "but it could be a possibility that I'm her next kill since I never did anything to protect Wally from those bullies. I know because she came to me during her high school days and threatened to kill me."

What is it with high schoolers and threatening to kill people?

"Nothing's going to happen to you," Levi says pulling his phone out. "Hello Cooper?" there's a slight pause. "Search up Eric Sanders, he could be one of Amanda's targets."

I once again divert my attention to Dr. Simons as Levi continues talking on the phone. "What exactly did Eric Sanders do?"

Dr. Simons shrugs. "I don't know," he says casually.

"What do you mean you don't know?" I ask baffled. "You just said that Eric Sanders is a possible target."

"What I meant is that I don't know what he did," he answers. "All I know is that he picked on every kid in this school, no matter what their status. I know because I suspended him."

"So you think that Eric may have picked on Wally at some time in high school?" Levi cuts in. "And that Amanda found out?"

"Yeah," Dr. Simons says with a scoff. "Considering how she killed those other two victims for petty things, it's a possibility that her obsession with Wally is what could cause her to kill Eric."

"Amanda hadn't killed in about three days," I say furrowing my eyebrows. "Meaning that she's gonna killed again."

"I told Cooper to check whether or not Eric is missing," Levi says cutting in. "His missing case file was published two days ago. She might kill him sometime tonight, if he's not already dead."

"We'll take Dr. Simons along with us," I say rising from my chair. "It's highly likely that Amanda will attack you after Eric."

"Well then," Levi says bluntly. "Let's go catch a criminal."

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