Yolei blushed. Sometimes Mako had a dirty mind and would love to share her thoughts with Yolei. But now Yolei couldn't stop picturing it ... her in Ken's bed, her kissing him, oh gosh she was going red! Shaking her head Yolei walked around the counter closer to her friends. Once she stood in front of Mako, Yolei said, "I'm having dinner with Ken Ichijouji."

Mako froze. Did Yolei just say Ken Ichijouji as in Ken the hottest, sexiest guy in the world?! The famous Ken that was rich and always in the news! No way could Yolei have a date with Ken. Wait! Yolei said childhood friend. Oh my God!! Mako was freaking out! She pulled Yolei closer and screamed in her face.

Yolei jumped back, falling as she did. Landing on the ground she gave her friend a death glare. "That was so not cool," Yolei said frowning.

Yolei was going to say something else but was cut off by Mako, "YOU HAVE A DATE WITH THE KEN ICHIJO-"

Yolei pulled Mako down so Mako ended up on the floor next to her. As Mako landed on the ground she rubbed her ass, and gave Yolei an angry look.

"Keep it down! I don't want the whole world to know!!" Yolei said as she stood up cleaning off her clothing. Yolei looked around and was thankful no one was in the store.

Mako stood as well. Why the hell didn't Yolei want others to know she was going on a date with Ken! THE KEN!! Mako frowned as she started to speak, "Yolei this is great! Finally you found a great guy! He'd be nothing like Lee."

Yolei shivered, the last thing she wanted was to be reminded of that asshole. Yolei never wanted to hear that name again. After all the things he said and done, she just wanted to forget him. "You keep forgetting this isn't a date. We're just two friends catching up on lost time."

'Yea right,' Mako thought. She watched as Yolei walked away and smiled. It was great Yolei was finally moving on. After everything that happened to Yolei, this was great. Mako knew how hard it was for Yolei to accept new people into her life, so this was going to be good for Yolei. "Okay whatever you say."

With that Mako went back to work, frowning at the idea of Yolei taking this whole 'date' as nothing more than a little get together.

Yolei felt better after telling Mako about her 'date' with Ken. She was excited. Now Yolei just needed to try to focus on work and get her mind to stop thinking about Ken.


Time flew as the store got busy, and before Yolei knew it, it was closing time. That's when panic hit her again; she had a date with Ken in a few hours. She was nervous... maybe she should cancelled, maybe call in sick. As much as she was nervous she knew this didn't always happen! Who could say that they had a 'date' with Ken! No she needed to calm down, this was Ken, her old friend. They were going to talk have some food and then it would be over. Nothing else would happen. She could do this!

Yolei broke out of her thoughts as she heard her name being called. Looking towards the main exit she noticed Mako standing there keys in hand.

"Earth to Yolei... don't you have a date or something?" Mako said tapping her feet. She wanted to go home but wasn't going to leave Yolei behind.

"Oh sorry, Mako you know you don't have to wait up. Go home, I don't need you to walk me home every time!" Yolei smiled, making her way to the front of the store.

"I can't do that. It's dark out. We girls need to stick together. Now come!"

Shaking her head Yolei followed after Mako. She was glad to have a friend like Mako, but really the girl needed to know Yolei could take care of herself. Well Yolei would talk to Mako... another day about this. Locking up the shop they headed home.

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