Chapter 1

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Love is Eternity

Quick Author's note:  (making changes to some chapters; so I am re uploading)

Hi all! This is my first Digimon fanfiction. 

Background of this story: it takes place in the future, only has the season 1 and 2 digidestined. All of the chosen children's are in their late 20s, some early 30s (But I don't mention ages). This story focuses mainly on Ken and Yolei. The future is AU compared to the anime; the past is what happened in the show. Only difference is in this story all Digimons were sent back to the Digital world after the final battle, with there was no way of them connecting with the human world. In addition, everyone knows about Digimons.

Well that's all and I hope you enjoy the story. Love the couple and needed to write it! Please enjoy.

WARNING: This story contains strong language. Rated M for language, violence, and mature content. You've been warned!

Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon.


Chapter 1

"Sir, we can only proceed if Miss. Inoue signs the contract. Otherwise we will be back to phase one. She's being stubborn and won't even look over the papers," a man's voice reported.

The room became quiet; the room was filled with businessmen and women, however none of them spoke. No, they waited for the one voice that would make an impact on the situation, the one voice that would get the job done; the voice of their boss.

It wasn't that they were scared of his respond; the boss was actually a kindhearted person. The problem was that the man didn't like to take no for an answer; and this project meant a lot to him. If this project was lost or postponed that would result in a major loss for the company; as well as many jobs being lost for the people of Tokyo.

The boss believed tearing up one tiny shop to build a factory was a beneficial plan. Of course he would make sure Miss. Inoue was well taken care of and supported. However, right now all he needed was for her to hear him out, and sign the papers so they could get this project underway.

In the beginning when this location had been chosen he hadn't been happy. The boss had done everything in his power to get their business partners to change the location. However after long arguments and discussions they all agreed that the Inoue shop was the best location for this project.

The man who'd spoken looked up at his boss and was surprised to see the man smiling. What was he planning?

"Don't worry Mr. Thomson. I will personally talk to Miss. Inoue. She's an old friend. I'm sure I can get her to at least look over the contract," said Ken Ichijouji; CEO of Kuse Manufacturing Ltd.

Ken smiled at Mr. Thomson then continued the meeting. After discussing other final changes to the partner contracts Ken called the meeting to an end. As the last person exited his office, Ken turned towards the big window located behind his desk. Ken smiled as he thought about his childhood. He was finally going to see them... his old friends. It had been years since he last seen or talked to Yolei and the others...well since high school. After high school a lot had changed, people went their separate ways and little by little it got harder to stay in touch. The only two Ken still talked to frequently was with T.K. and Davis.

Ken sometimes missed the old days when they'd save the two worlds, spent time with old friends, and spending time with Wormmon. How he missed the little bug. However, no matter what he did he couldn't get those days back.

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