"You're right, Harry. I'm being a bitch. I'm sorry for accusing you." I said without looking at him and ripped his arms from my body and walked out the door. Leaving him in our hotel room. This was suppose to be a vacation break the two of us. We were suppose to spend time with each other after Harry's nine months concert tour and nine months of not seeing him. But it turned out to a big mess.

Harry's POV

I fucked up. I fucked up a lot. I let my anger took control of me and now she left. My love left. She walked out of the door and like the fucker I am, I didn't even tried harder to stop her. I sat on the floor, behind me is the door. I stayed like that for hours until I collected all my shits and decided to go after her. I took my car keys, phone and wallet. I got out of the room and dialed her phone. She's not answering, damn it! I starts to worry after I called ten times and she wouldn't pick up. If something bad happens to her I would never forgive myself. I'm just hoping she's just really mad at me.

I texted her for the thirteenth time but still no reply. Driving through the busy streets of New York, I searched for her beautiful face. No signs of her.


I drank the beer until its last drop while I still sat here in the bar for what seems like ages. My head is buzzing and tears are still streaming heavily down my face. My make up must be smeared already but that's the least I care about. His last words kept repeating in my head. Those painful words. I don't know why I still even cared about you! This is all my fault. I should have known that he changed.

Earlier in our relationship, before we even realized we love each other, he used to cheat on my a lot. Sleep with other girls but he changed. When he told me that he love me, he promised he would change and I can see that. But the alcohol and my insecurities always gets in me which made me think of those things. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt someone sat beside me and stared at me, too long for my liking.

"Are you alright there, babe?" A familiar voice asked. I looked at him and sure he was the guy back at the club earlier. The guy who was trying to flirt with me. The reason of mine and Harry's fight. But who am I kidding? I'm the one to blame here. Not Harry nor this guy that the name has forgotten. "Hey, your Y/N right? That beautiful girl earlier?"

"Uh yeah," I answered uninterestedly. And ordered another bottle of beer.

"What a coincidence, right?" I just nodded, hoping he would just walk away. "Why are you here?"

"Me and my..." I sighed. "Me and my boyfriend had a fight." I sighed and wiped the tears before it even falls.

"The guy earlier?" I nodded again. "You must loosen up." He stood up from his seat and stood closer to me, too close for my liking.

"I'm fine with this." I said and tilted my beer bottle.

"Oh come on. I know a place." He whispered in my ear which sent shivers down my spine and he slid his hand on my lower back.

I tried to shimmy away from his arms but he didn't budge. "Sorry but I have a boyfriend." I spoke.

"I'm sure that little boyfriend of yours wouldn't mind." He whispered again in my ears and I want to punch his pretty face but my whole body froze when he placed a kiss on my neck.

"Please, let go." I spoke and my grip on the bottle tightened.

"Your boyfriend wouldn't know." He whispered again and I tried to push him away now. "He doesn't have to." He slipped his on my inner thigh so I pushed him harder.

"I said let go!" I yelled at him and walked out of the club. I breathed in the air once I was out. I walked through the dark alleyway fast.

"Playing hard to get are we?" The guy spoke and before I knew it, I was pinned at the wall and the silhouette of his face came in view.

"What are you doing?! Get off me." I tried to get away from his grip but he just held tighter. "Help! Help me!" I called and tears streams down my face again.

"Just give in, love. I know you want this too." His voice is so deep and dark and it frightens me even more.

"No! Just let go of me! Help!" I called buy no one seems to hear. He started kissing my jaw, then my neck and I squirmed under his touch but he pinned me further against the wall. "Please, stop!" I begged but he just let out a sinister laugh. "Please, get away from me!" My whole body is shaking and trembling under his poisonous touch.

"We'll just be quick." He whispered. His hand grazed my body and when he's nearing my boobs, I tried to squirm more. Wishing he would let go.

"No! Help me! Please, get off!" I screamed. "Please," I spoke, my voice was weak and I felt so defeated.

"Hey! Get your hands off her!" I heard Harry's voice shouted and in a matter of seconds, the guy's body was ripped off of me.

"Woah, you must be the boyfriend." The guy spoke as Harry pinned him on the wall and threw punches on him. I sobbed uncontrollably as I watched Harry beat the shit out of him.

"You fucker! She said no!" Harry threw him on the ground and beat him senseless. My whole body felt numb as I sat on the ground. I stood up shakily and ran towards Harry.

"Harry stop! Harry please stop." I sobbed and held his arm and he looked in my eyes. He stood up and took my hand.

"The next time I ever see your filthy face again, I will kill you." Harry spit and dragged me away from the alleyway. I sucked in a breath once we were in the streets again. "Baby, hey. Are you okay? Did he touch you? Wear this." Harry handed me his leather jacket and placed it around my shoulders and asked as he held my face in his hands.

"N-No." I answered. "Harry, I-I'm so s-sorry. This is all m-my fault," he held me and I felt secured. I cried even more when he hugged me tight. "I'm so sorry." I cried in his chest as he rubbed my back.

"No, this is not your fault. I fucked up and I'm sorry. I love you, okay?" He said and held my face again so I was looking at his forest green eyes.

"I love you, too." I replied and he sent me a small reassuring smile. "I'm sorry if I accused you too much. I'm sorry if I doubted you. I'm sorry, I love you so much, Harry. I love." I said and he wiped the tears away. Like he would always do every time I'm in this state.

"Okay. I'm sorry too for saying those words. I want you to know I don't mean those. I'm sorry that had to happen to you. I love you, Y/N. I love you so much." He said and I nodded my head.

"I love you too, babe." I smiled at him and hugged him tight again.

"I thought you're going to leave me for good." He said and I heard in his voice that he's crying so I pulled away. I wiped away his tears just like what he do.

"Hey, I'm never gonna leave you. I cannot do that. I love you too much to leave you. I'll always ran back to you." I assured him and kissed him passionately.

"Let's go back and take a rest." He said pulling away.

"Okay." I said and he kissed my forehead once more. He held my hand in his as we walked back to his car. And once again, I felt the security that I always felt whenever I am with him. Because I know that he will never let me go. And I will always hold him like he's my world. Just because he is.

Heyaaa everybodehhh!!! Again, thanks for the votes and reads. It's very much appreciated. You guys are the best (though I said that lots of times already). You all makes me happy, swear. Please vote, comment and follow thank you ;)

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