Chapter 2~ I Don't Wanna Fall

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Emily's POV:

I sat in the middle of the back-seat, hearing Sam and Dean bicker like old people.

"Dean we were supposed to turn right!" Sam shouted pointing at the map.

"To bad I'm the oldest, I'm right that's final!" He shouted right back causing Sam to shush.

"I don't care." Sam sighed.



"Morons." I said shaking my head.

I sat all the way back mouthing the words to Kansas "Carry on My Way Son". I saw Dean look back at me through the review mirror. I looked up at him and gave a smile. He gave one back, it wasn't his signature smirk it was a real small smile. I felt a jump in my chest. Nope. Not going to happen.

"Pull over to that restaurant I will get food and directions." Sam said very annoyed.

Dean pulled into the parking lot and turn off the Impala. Sam got out of the car and closed the door. I heard the song faithfully by Journey come on, of course.

"So what's your story Winchester?" I said putting my arms on the top of the front seat resting my head on my arms looking at Dean.

"Well..." He trailed off looking at me.

"Our dad always does this even when we were little. It was my job to look after him. Except, there was always this little blond girl with him running around." He said chuckling at the end.

"Guilty as charged." I raised my hand giggling.

"That was you?!" He laughed.

"Yup, Sam and I were always best friends."

"Wow, always though you two would end up together. Now I can swoop in." He winked

"Yea sure." I scoffed but couldn't help the smile creep on my face.

There was a small silence before Dean broke it.

"You know, you aren't half bad." He smiled. Not a smirk, a smile.

"That means?" I raised an eye brow but still smiling.

"You are genuinely very gorgeous." He smiled

I couldn't help the blush onto my cheeks. I giggled slightly and looked at him. I almost got lost in his eyes. We just sat there, looking into each others eyes. I broke it looking down biting my bottom lip. Please don't let me fall for him. I could hear him chuckle his deep chuckle. Thank god Sam came back to the car.

"Alright so where to?" Dean taking a ones of the many fries out of my bag Sam got me.

I frowned at him playfully causing him to smile an shake his head.

"Guys check it out." I pointed to some cop cars on a bridge.

We looked at it for a second or two before Dean reached over getting a fake badge out.

"Dean come on." Sam sighed

But Sam was beat when Dean and I got out of the car. Dean tossed Sam his fake badge. I swore I heard I'm grumble under his breath causing me to laugh slightly.

"You guys had another one like this last month didn't you?" Sam walked to one of the officers.

"And who are you?" The officer said with a look of confusion.

"Federal Marshals."Dean said flashing his "badge" briefly.

"You guys are a little young for federal marshals." He said confused.

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