Chapter One: Ashlynn Ella

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Ashlynn Ella sat at the edge of her light blue bed with a sigh.

Tonight, Ashlynn would meet Prince Dallance of some where she has never heard of. Ashlynn's parents, Cinderella and Prince Charming, both adore Prince Dallance. They say that he has such good manors, and, he has beautiful tastes. Ashlynn wasn't so sure.

Ashlynn took a deep breath and stood up from her bed. She walked over to her make-up table, where she sat down on the cushioned stool that was place in front of the table.

The daughter of Cinderella looked into the mirror. Her eyes couldn't stay away from the sight of her gown.

Her gown was a strap-less dress. The top part had different kinds of pink and blue flowers sewn across the fabric with sparkles here and there.

The skirt part had three different layers. The bottom layer was a solid baby pink. The middle layer was the same pink and blue flower pattern on the top of her dress, and the top layer was a solid baby blue with sparkles on the hem.

She also wore glass high heels, and blue crystal earrings that she got as a present from her friend Crystal.

Half of Ashlynn's hair was put up in a braided bun, while the rest of her auburn curls flowed down her sholders.

Ashlynn took a deep breath. The mascara brush was in her hand, stroking her eyelashes. Once Ashlynn put down the mascara bottle, she carefully slipped on her light blue gloves and rose from the stool.

Ashlynn walked over to her full length mirror.Her eyes peered into her own reflection, but Ashlynn felt like she was looking at a total stranger.

The mirror showed a beautiful girl with auburn hair, and a pink and blue gown. The make-up in the mirror's reflection showed perfection.

Although, inside Ashlynn felt hart broken. Tonight she would meet the prince in which she would marry. Supposedly. This prince was going to hold a ball, and Ashlynn would be there to attend. That sounded very familiar in her story. Cinderella goes to a ball to meet Prince Charming.

There was a knock on Ashlynn's door.

"Ah yes?" Ashlynn asked, a little freighted at the sudden disrupt of the silence.

"Are you almost finished Miss Ashlynn?" A maid asked from the other side of the door.

"Yes," Ashlynn replied, "just a few finishing touches."

"Do need assistance?"the maid asked.

"No, but thank you," Ashlynn declined.

"Well, when your ready Miss, the King and Queen are waiting in the parlor."

"Thank you," Ashlynn thanked.

The small footsteps retreated as Ashlynn once again returned to her make-up table.

Ashlynn added a little more blush to her pale cheeks, and checked her reflection once more. Then she turned, opened her brown wooden door, and stepped out.

The sun beat on her face, as she walked down one of her favorite hallways in the castle. This particular hallway had a sun roof as its roof. It also had plants lining the sides. It felt like a greenhouse, only smaller then the actual greenhouse.

Carefully gliding her glass shoes against the stone tiles, Ashlynn reached the staircase. Bending down, she flipped open the small lion head, and pushed the button that made the stairs move.

Ashlynn was happy that all the stairs in this castle could move. How tiering would it be to have to walk up and down all those stairs. Such a work out.

After a few minutes of slowly walking through the castle's halls, Ashlynn reached her destination to find her parents sitting comfortably on the couches.

"Ashlynn!" Her mother called, "we were starting to get worried."

Ashlynn gave a sheepish grin "sorry, I didn't know it would take that long."

"That's alright," her father replied."but we need to talk."

"About what?" Ashlynn asked.

"About what to do, and what to say," her father answered.

"You know I like to be prepared," her mother added. "The first time, I wasn't to happy when that dress

Ashlynn stifled a laugh. Of course her mom liked to be prepared. "I just don't understand why I have to get all dressed up?" Ashlynn said, turning serious again.

"You want to make a good first impression Ashlynn," Prince Charming explains to his daughter,"your mother and I are all dressed up."

It was true. Cinderella was wearing a sparkly blue ball gown, with multiple layers, and different shades of blue. King Charming was wearing a fine white button down shirt, with cuffs, and plain black dress pants.

"Okay, fine," Ashlynn agreed.

"The King and Prince of the Northern region of sawbuck are supposed to be arriving at six o'clock p.m. sharp." Cinderella explained,"we have fifteen minutes to talk."

"Ashlynn," Ashlynn's father continued, "we understand that this may be a bit challenging, but, we want you to be very respectful towards our guests."

"When am I not respectful?" Ashlynn argued.

"Your right Ashlynn," her mother agreed,"it's just that these are other royal people, they deserve more respect then the maids."

"I don't think so," Ashlynn continued to argue,"all people should get the same respect. No matter if they're the king or a peasant!"

"Yes Ashlynn, we think that way, but others don't," Cinderella responded, "the King and Prince probably think that they deserve more respect then a servant."

"I don't get it," Ashlynn replied.

"Basically," King Charming chimed in,"what your mother is trying to say, is that you should respect them as much as anyone. Right Cindy?"

Cinderella gave a nod, but Ashlynn could see that her parents had not planed this gathering well.

"So, Ashlynn," he mother continued,"we will be positioned at the top of the stairs in the main entrance. We will greet them, then walk to the dining hall to eat. There, we'll have diner and chat. Then after that, I guess they leave."

"So the king, and Prince Dallance have to walk up all those stairs?" Ashlynn asked.

"Yes," King Charming answered, "how else they would they get up?"

"The stairs would move," Ashlynn replied.

"Let's do this the formal way, and not the modern way," Ashlynn's mom suggested,"you remember, back in my day we had to walk up the stairs. They didn't move for us."

"I know," Ashlynn admitted. "What do you adults talk about anyways?"

"Mostly laws and stuff," her dad replied, then whispered,"it's kind of boring."

That got a little chuckle out of Ashlynn.

"What?" Cinderella asked,"what's so funny?"

"Oh it's nothing mom," Ashlynn replied.

"Fine," Cinderella agreed.

Prince Charming checked his gold watch,"it's time to get going."

The royal family stood up and walked towards the entrance of the castle.

"Now remember Ashlynn," Ashlynn's mother started when the reached the front doors,"always-"

"Be polite and yada yada," Ashlynn interrupted,"I got this mom."

The royal family positioned themselves on top of the stairs as a black limousine pulled up.

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