To My Buddy

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Everything was perfect as it used to be before the accident took place. But before I knew it, everything that I had hoped for collapsed when... I become blind. For a doctor, their hands were their everything... just like a painter, myself, my eyes was my everything. I could no longer paint as I used to be... I only see black. It felt like a prison, a cave, no matter how much I wanted to get out of this darkness, it was endless. I feel trapped in a world where I only exist...

"bow! wow-wow!!! "

Bud handed me something. It felt... A leash. I guess even Bud has been feeling stuffed inside this house with nothing to do. As how I feel sorry for Bud, but I'm not in the mood to walk him. I threw his leash. He no longer bother to make another attempt. I guess he understood my situation.

A week passed when Bud approached me.

"Bow wow!! Wooow!!"

I don't know what it is this time but he gave me something again... It was my paintbrush. I don't know what came into me but tears started fall down. For the first time after I went blind, I had hope once again. I hugged Bud and petted him. I felt like I could paint again. And so I did... But what I expected didn't happen. It was really hard to paint with a blind eyes. I tried and tried again but... I felt more in despair. At the first place it was impossible to paint with an eyes that could no longer see, so why did I even bother to do so. I cried all night feeling helpless. With my situation like this... I could never ever paint ever in my life again. Feeling down suddenly, Bud rested in my lap, like he was comforting me. I remembered the time when I first met little Bud, the time when he was growing, the times we walked together at the beach, the times I was painting the sight of the sunset by the beach with Bud by my side, the times when I was happy, the times when I was sad, he was all there for me, even now in my times of despair... He is here right beside me, never leaving me...

Why didn't I think of that!!! I kissed Bud's forehead and stood up. I took a sit in front of my canvas and started to take out the paints and put it on the palette. I remembered the course I've took way back before... The professor told us that each colours have unique scents. Luckily I remembered just how their suppose to smell. I touched the first color and smelled it, and did it again to the others. And just as what that professor has told us, it exactly smelled different . I now can differentiate between colours just by smelling them. On painting... I used glue to mark where to paint, just like pencil, the difference is that I let the glue set on canvas to harden it so that I could use it as my guide while painting. It took me me a month just to finish the whole painting and I used Bud as my model while I paint. I tried to feel how he looks and paint him. With so much handwork and effort, I pulled it off. A call came and it was from a company who wants to recruit me as their designer for the upcoming project they will produce. They were looking for a lot of painters but it happened they were impressed by my previous works. But sadly I had to decline due to the fact that I was blind. It saddened them to know it... After a while, I remembered the painting I made, a second before they hang up, I told them that I have one painting that I have just finished and if they want, I could present it to them personally. A week after I visited the office, they told me they liked it so much that they want to sign a contract with me right away. They were not expecting a lot but when they saw my painting they told me that it was beyond to what they had comprehended. It was well painted and it felt very heartwarming. It was the painting that they were looking for. After a month of preparation, me and bud is now at the hotel being guided by a hotelier. They guided us to the way to the hall where I will be presenting my paintings. There I was standing with Bud beside me, and I already hear alot of applause in the audience. With a mic in my hand I started to talk.

"I was a painter. Everything in my eyes holds beauty. But after I became blind, do you think I can still paint? "

I took the black fabric covering the canvas. And there it was, a painting of Bud sitting in the green grassfield, as what I imagine it to be. I heard loud applauses from the audience. As for me, hearing that made me stand confidently.

" I was a painter. I am a painter. Thanks buddy. "

From what I learned from life. No matter how much in despair you are, there comes a day in your life when a light shines brightly into your darkest cave. Meaning there's always hope even when you're at the edge of giving up. Someone passes onto your life and you never expected them to change how you view the world.

Thank you.

Devoted to you, readers.

The Blind Painter and his Dog (Completed) (Oneshot) Where stories live. Discover now