Chapter 10

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A/n sorry i havent uploaded in along time.

Irenes P.O.V.
I wounder who could be at the door it could be anyone. Adam went to open it. Adam was talking to the girl. Yes i know its a girl i can hear really well because of the wolf ears.  Wait its Aphmau or i guess Jessica.

Adam then entered the room along  with they female youtuber I liked best. Aphmau. She didnt see me at first i mean i dont really stand out i am sitting on my bed in my room but i can hear everything with the ears. I just fineshed my peice of toast. I am menterly prepareing for the inouncement that me and Adam are going to make. After Aphmau said hello to everyone Ross came in with aphmau to interduce me to her.
"Hi you must be Irene" aphmau said
"Yeah you are Aphmau"i replyed
"Well i will leave you to get to know eachother before Adam says his anouncement" Ross says while exiting the room.
"So er what do you like to do in your spare time?" Aphmau asked.
"Play minecraft go on a run in the woods and read thats really it" i reply.

A/n sorry the chapters are short I am nearly half asleep. And i have a huge headache

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