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“I’m telling you I didn’t. I’ve never lied to you.”

“Neither has Erich.”

“You haven’t known him that long.”

Laura’s green eyes softened. “That doesn’t matter. I feel like I’ve always known him.”

“I’ve always been there for you. I’d never do anything to hurt you,” Virginia said irritably. She sat and sipped her tea. “I don’t trust him, Laura. He could be using you to further his career.”

“He isn’t.”

“How can you be so sure? You’re too trusting.”

“Don’t change the subject. You haven’t answered my question about Erich yet.”

Virginia gave a half snort. “I’ve disapproved of some of your other boyfriends and never harmed any of them. Why should things be different now?”

“It is different this time because I love Erich. Do you hear me? I love him. I won’t let you do anything to hurt him. Stay away from him.”

“Laura, we’re both telling the truth. I won’t deny threatening him, and, though I’m sure you don’t approve, I did it to make sure he knows that if he doesn’t treat you right he’ll answer to me. But I didn’t have him beaten up. With all you’ve been through do you think I’d put you through that, too?”

“No, I honestly didn’t think you would. At least I’d hoped you wouldn’t. But it just seems like too much of a coincidence. I want to believe you,” she said. “I do.” She glared at her aunt, who sat quietly watching. “All right. Let’s leave this for now. I’m tired. I’m going home to get some sleep.”

She walked out without even looking at the cup of tea.

Chapter Twenty-One

When Laura stepped outside the next afternoon, the weather had changed. Heavy, gray clouds now loomed overhead, and it had been so windy during the night the sidewalk was littered with leaves and twigs. She walked toward Fifth Avenue where she hailed a taxi to the hospital.

She unbuttoned her coat as she got off the elevator on the fourth floor and walked past the nurses’ station to Erich’s room, hesitating to stare at a closed door across from Erich’s. Behind it she heard a woman sobbing, and almost cried herself. Only the loss of a loved one could cause that much pain. Laura knew that kind of pain. She had lost Todd; she had almost lost Erich.

Erich looked even worse this morning, covered with bruises and bandages. She handed him a box of chocolate-covered caramels and leaned in to kiss him. It was a gentle kiss, but more than a friendly peck. When she pulled away, he reached up and stroked her face with his left hand.

“You’ve never kissed me like that before. It’s worth getting beaten up for.”

“Don’t say that.”

“Well, all right. Almost worth it. You’re better for me than any of this stuff,” he said, gesturing at the hospital room. He patted the bed and she sat on the edge.

“I talked to Virginia last night,” said Laura. “I don’t think she had anything to do with what happened to you.”

“I’d rather have another kiss than talk about your aunt.”

Of course he would, but his attitude was frustrating. Laura wanted to explain. She wished he’d at least try to understand her feelings about Virginia.

For years Laura had been trying to convince people that Virginia’s work life had nothing to do with her personal life. A friend had once asked her if she approved of what Virginia did for a living, and she hadn’t been able to answer. She still wouldn’t be able to if she were asked today, but she had always been able to separate the loving aunt from the other. Now it was getting more difficult.

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