I woke up early in the morning in distraught. My head hurt a lot and I could not focus my vision properly. Not only that, my body felt a little heavy as well. Ose asked what happened to my limbs. Ronove used his magic to analyze my body.

'There is something wrong with the flow of your magoi. It is as if, your body is deteriorating.'

'What!?' I checked it with my own eyes and for sure, there was some kind of discoloration on my arms and legs. I did not know how I got this but I was thankful for still having the ability to stand up.

'Do you think that this was the warning Ugo was telling you?' Ronove inquired. I shrugged in answer. I would have to defy Ugo for a little while. I just need more time, more time to protect my country and to help out Sinbad. Even just a few more moments. Letting out a heavy sigh, I stood up and changed to a much comforting clothing. It was just a simple black pants and loose red top. Clanging against each other, my metal vessels glowed.

"I guess nobody is awake yet. Warm-up?" My vessels glowed and I used weapon equip. I wanted to surprise them quite well. The wind around them whirled around Ose's sword before turning into a fiery wind from the harsh friction. My hands had dark feathers protruding from them. I manipulated the wind before shooting it upwards where it dissipated. Next was Ronove which was a fan. I concentrated my magoi to create a harsh fire tornado. In total, I had a wind and fire djinn with me.

"I can't believe you already had your warm-up without me. I'm disappointed in you, Thais." I turned around to see Sinbad smirking. I hit his head lightly before walking to our supplies to cook breakfast.

"You can have some practice while I work on our food. I bet they will wake up soon. Another one, is that we have to ask Masrur for a spare time before going to his homeland." He sighed before walking away from me. What we only have were few meat, fresh vegetables I got from Heliophat and some seasoning. I was alerted when I saw Sharrkan come to me.

"Good morning, Sharrkan."

"G-Good morning, Lady Thais." I smiled sadly at him before encouraging him to sit by me. He followed and I gently told him that there was no need for formality. He nodded and began staring at the food I was cooking. He seemed interested by the ingredients. A bright idea came to my mind.

"Hey Sharrkan, do you mind if you help me cook our breakfast? I will help you, I promise." He seemed hesitant for a while before complying. At first, he was stiff as stick but he relaxed a little later on. He seemed to be having fun which made me laugh at his cuteness.

"I'm glad you're relaxed now. Don't worry about what happened yesterday, Sharrkan. There really are times when things like that happen but just like what your brother said, once you're strong and ready, you can finally go back to Heliophat." I muttered.

"Yeah. I want to go back soon." He noticed the sword beside me and asked if he could see it. I lent it to him with confusion etched on my face. Okay? He seemed interested in it.

'That would most likely be because of royal swordplay every royals are taught. Remember that you two also have knowledge about it.' Ronove said. Right, I remember that Leonhart and I had taught ourselves the royal swordplay of Yrif. I barely use it though because I was more fond of just reading and having adventures.

"I see you're interested in swords. Maybe Masrur, Ja'far and you can spar once we come home back to Sindria. I'm sure they'll be glad to help you." He smiled at me. Every tent rustled and it seemed like everybody was already awake. I noticed Sinbad quickly approached Masrur asking him a favor. I sighed at his eagerness. Leonhart heard of his request and sent me a questioning look. I returned it by nodding. He also sighed.

Magi: Lost in Timeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें