Same difference pt 2

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Second person POV

Music transcended the barrier of language. That's why it was able to connect so many people's hearts. Even if you didn't understand the lyrics you could still feel the beat, the melody.

(Y/n) closed her eyes as she listened to more of the stray's songs, other wise named Yoongi.

"Is your mind starting to remember things now?"

She shakes her head and looked at him intensely in the eye. He was taken back a little by her gaze. He's never had anyone look at him like that before. Yoongi looked to the floor with a faint red on his cheeks.

"I can't believe I'm actually sharing my music"

He chuckles as he scratches his neck. All of a sudden (y/n) pats his back. He looks at her shocked from the sudden contact.

"What did you use to do with it?"

"Well nothing, I just created them for myself since everyone ignored me"

(Y/n) looks to the floor. She felt bad for everything she had done to him.

"I even tried to play it out loud once but no one was listening"

He kicks the rocks in front of him. (Y/n) felt something tug her heart. She had never felt this before. She decided to ask.

"I feel something in my chest. It hurts"

She grabs her shirt and clutches it. His eyes widen before his mouth turns into a wide grin. His gums exposing too.

"You're getting your emotions back!"

"Huh? Emotions? I though those didn't exist"

"Well they do, lets go?"

He grabs her hand and pulls her up. His touch calmed her heart. It didn't hurt anymore. She gave him a smile, a genuine one. She gets shocked by her own actions.

"That was called a smile, its different from the ones you guys always put up"

He chuckles before running, once again. (Y/n) had noticed that they always seemed to run when they weren't in a secluded place. They were always on the run.

"M-my feet hurt... wait"

She pulls back her hand and puts them on her knees. She tried to catch her breath.

"Wow you're unfit"

Something welled up inside of her.

"Shut up, were not allowed to run so of course I'm not"

He bursts out laughing after seeing (y/n) throwing a fit. She tilts her head, confused of the sound he had just made

"It's called a laugh, but don't worry you'll get to know that soon enough"

He sighs before he sees something behind her. His eyes widen as he grabs her again and runs. They turn into an empty alley.

"Why're we running?"

"Were criminals around here, or as you guys like to call it; strays. They're always looking for us so we need to run or else we'll get caught"

"You've been living your whole life like this?"

"Better than how you spend yours"

(Y/n) looks to the ground. He was right.

"I'd rather run, than live my whole life doing what other people tell me to do"


(Y/n) pulls back her arm.

"I don't think I could do this"

"What? You're going to go back? After you've seen the real world?"

She averts her eyes. She was too ashamed to look at him.

"Fine do what you want"

He finally lets go of her arm and walks away. She sighs as he leaves. It was time for dinner.


She climb into the window and slipped into where she was supposed to be. After (y/n) got to the table she acted like them and pretended nothing ever happened.

That morning she missed the alarm. Everyone looked at her puzzled as she walked in late. She ignored the stares and sat down.

When it was finally break time she ran under the tree. She wanted some alone time.

After some time passed 2 figures came and sat next to her. They completely ignore (y/n).

"How are you Namjoon?"

"I'm great Jimin"

Then Jimin, your former 'friend' tilts his head to you.

"Oh (y/n)!"

She cringed at the way he was talking. How come (y/n) never realised how robotic they were talking?

(Y/n) was about to speak but she covered her mouth.

"Namjoon get her"

All of a sudden the other boy grabbed both of her hands and pinned her down. (Y/n) squealed a little from the shock.

"You're a stray now do you not remember? You talked out of line"

He cocks his head once again and gives her a creepy smile. She began to look around for help. But no one took notice of what was happening. Everyone else was just eating with the same identical smiles. She wanted to scream and yell but the alarms would go off. All she could do was muffle her own voice.

Just as he was about to pick her up someone punches the guy holding her. She jumps from the sound. He looks into her eyes angrily before grabbing her and running again. No one else could run so no one came after them.

They stopped where no one was and tried to catch their breath. (Y/n) looked up to him. He had an angry expression.


"I told you you couldn't come back. It's dangerous!"

He yells at her making her cower in fear. He sighs after he sees how terrified she was.

"I'm sorry okay, it's just, I've never had someone to talk to and I want you to stick around"

She felt something warm in her chest.

"Something's in my chest again"

"I-I don't know what it is. Maybe it's fear or something"

He averts his eyes nervously as he clears his throat.

"You can't leave okay?"

He sticks out his pinky. She tilts her head for a seconds before remembering what it had meant. She intertwined her fingers with his.

"I won't"

This story is getting longggg I'm sorry. I wasn't expecting this to have a part two, I was just insfired by my dog. Don't ask why. Anyways I hope you guys will like this storyyyy.
Thanks for reading love ya xx

one shots » bts sugaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora