Luckily I was paired with Paige, finally feeling like the universe was on my side for once. I didn't bother watching Melissa find her room.

Paige threw her bags onto her bed. "You just can't get away from me."

I just gave her a smile.

We rejoined the group for orientation where we were handed schedules and maps. Touring the facility was nice, and it brought me back to the time of my life when I had been obsessed with college-themed movies. That's what this felt like, and for once I felt like I belonged here. I felt like an adult who was ready to better their life and further their education.

I felt normal.

After orientation and finding out what would be required of us over the next fifty days we ate lunch. I stuck around Paige and a few other people who lingered around our table.

"So what are you thinking?" Paige asked.

I shrugged. "Ready. Kind of anxious but..."

She gave me a warm smile. "Me too."

Lunch proceeded with ease and Paige managed to get me to talk more. I couldn't deny that it felt good to connect with her, but I remained cautious.

The rest of the day consisted of roaming and getting things together for tomorrow. Our first full day was highly anticipated, and I knew it would be hard from here on out, but I was more than ready.

Eventually I was in the women's facility, readying myself for bed. I opened my toiletries bag and grabbed my new tooth brush and a box of toothpaste.

But when I ripped the toothpaste box open and turned it over, a small pre-paid cellphone fell out instead.

At first I was confused, but that confusion turned to fear when I came to terms with what had happened. How the hell had a cellphone ended up in my bag? Had it been planted?

I shook my head. That was a dumb question to ask myself. Of course, it had been planted.

I shoved it back into my bag. Chapman had to have been the one responsible. But why? I was curious to find out, but now wasn't the right time.

I paced back to my room and closed the door behind me. Paige looked up from her book and gave me a weird look.

"You okay?" she asked.

I nodded. "Yeah. Just tired."

She shrugged and stuck her nose back to her book. I set the bag down and eyed it just a little longer before finally climbing into bed.

Why would Chapman send me with a phone? I didn't believe he had sent one so I could text Anna on the down low. Did he want me to contact him during camp? And if so, contact him about what?

I couldn't help but overanalyze the situation as I turned over in my bed. Maybe it was best to worryabout it tomorrow.

* * *


There was a sounding alarm outside of the bunks. My eyes fluttered open as adrenaline began to course through my body. The thought of my first day pulled me out of bed as Paige procrastinated next to me. According to our orientation officer, first thing in the morning was physical training. I wasn't a fan of early morning workouts; but the excitement would help tremendously.

I slipped on a t-shirt and shorts, laced up my tennis shoes and stretched a bit while Paige and eyed me.

She yawned. "What's the rush?"

"I don't wanna be late," I admitted.

"We have thirty minutes."

I just ignored her and continued to stretch at the same time. I couldn't help that I was pumped. Paige's unwillingness to get up wouldn't bring me down.

Cross Fire (Book #2) GirlXGirlWhere stories live. Discover now