"Search" December 4, 2287

7 1 3

The aliens made us wait another day before we could go to the tech bay cryochamber to get Tim. When the time came, I suited up and prepared with Fred and Phil to secure the tech bay.

"Steve, Silvia, and me are going to stay here and walk you through the mission." Alan said

"As soon as we are out, activate the security system." Fred said

Fred and Phil were wearing some strange alien armor and carrying some kind of alien laser weapon.

Alan deactivated security and opened the door. Two hellhounds ran in, only to be ripped apart by Phil and Steve's dogs.

We walked out into the dimly light hall and proceeded to the elevator. The lift opened and we all loaded inside.

The lift stopped at the tech bay, and we immediately saw Tim and his sister fighting two huge aliens. The aliens were well muscled, wearing titanium body armor, and appeared to be fighting defensively.

Fred fired a shot in from his ARMA revolver and bother the aliens bowed to him.

"Tim and Sophia! Quit your shooting!" I ordered

"But there are aliens in here!' Tim exclaimed

"We come in peace. What happened here Thane?" Fred said

"We came here to protect these humans from the Feraci when they attacked us. We fired back, trying to suppress them" Thane replied

"Prepare for the battle back to the lift, the aliens will have heard the shots and be on their way here." the other alien said

"Tim, can you activate the security system for the tech bay?" I asked

"I can, but you will have to keep the aliens off me till it is done." Tim answered

"Do it. The rest of us will protect you"

Tim ran into the security room, while the rest of the troop guarded the doors. All seemed to be going well until aliens started flooding the corridor outside the door.

"Stand back." Fred ordered

Fred and Phil walked casually towards the door and fired their lasers at the incoming aliens. The aliens disintegrated.

"Your turn. It takes a bit for the weapons to recharge." Phil said

More and more aliens ran down the hall. Sophia and I opened fire, mowing down row after row of attacking aliens. The aliens were starting to thin, as more were dying than were attacking.

"Done!" Tim yelled

The doors quickly shut and the sounds of the laser rifles outside firing filled the tech bay.

"Jason, the different bays are self sufficient in case of attack. Can I awake everyone else and tell them to run the tech bay?" Tim said

"Awake everyone and tell them to run the tech bay. Then we need to get you and Sophia up to the bridge.' I said

Tim deactivated all 20 cryo chambers in the tech bay and we waited about five minutes until their muscles awoke.

"Run the tech bay while we run the bridge. Keep the security system active at all times, unless we come to the tech bay and need in." Tim said

After saluting the officer he put in charge, Tim picked up an Asp and we filed out into the corridor. Tim and I dispatched a couple of aliens guarding the lift and we began the trip back up to the lift.

We arrived safely at the bridge and were ushered Tim into the security room.

"Tim we need you to activate the security systems for all of the ship. Then the security system can kill all the aliens." Alan said

"There is a small problem. The security systems have to be activated from their respective bays before the bridge can control them. We need to activate each security individually from the inside" Tim said

Shout out to CharlotteCarol who helped me formulate the idea for this chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2017 ⏰

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