Chapter Five: Number Six

Start from the beginning

This is my family, Mom. And she needs me.

“I can put a stop to this whole thing. No one can get a Hive ship without a Hive Queen, and the guys won’t find anyone else in time.” She put a hand on Gwyn’s thigh, right where the paler girl’s gaze rested. “The boys aren’t important. They’ll get over the disappointment. You just let me know what you really want.”

Gwyn nodded, teary eyed, but not actually crying.

Rhiannon took that as a good sign.

“You stay here while I go meet y dyn hwn. Gotta keep our options open.” The other girl was too delicate for strangers right now. “Take some time to think, or to write some mails, or whatever. I’ll be back flash-quick.”

With that, Rhiannon left the rows of skimmers behind. A campus map directed her to the university’s science building. Usually on an excursion to a new place, her stomach would jump and jitter. But her successful attempt at comforting a member of her Hive reassured her. The nervous bucks weren’t a bother. She could ignore them.

She didn’t know for sure if this Alan Jones would be in the science building. But it seemed like the place to start hunting for a sixteen-year-old Devoted. Particularly for a potential CreaTech with two degrees, including a Master’s of Science.

Inside the building, professors in faded mad-scientist coats—complete with super-tight sleeves that wouldn’t dip into potions and acids—strode from room to room, mumbling deep thoughts. Students staggered behind them, loaded with overfull carryalls and odd contraptions she didn’t recognize.

The floors were a much sturdier stone than the ones at her school. The ceilings appeared to be supported by knotwork columns. She had no idea how knotwork columns might function. If that wasn’t an optical illusion, maybe Alan could build her something like it. If he joined her. If his specialty was spatial relations and building things.

“Excuse me.” She interrupted a university student walking a little slower than the others. “Do you happen to know Alan Jones? He’s about my age.”

The older student growled—actually growled. “That bastard kicked me out of a computer lab. Three times. He’s just a kid, but oooh noo. He’s all the professors’ favorite. Damn him.”

Before she could thank him, the young man stormed off. At least she knew she was in the right place. She knew Alan liked computer labs, possibly ones in this area. She knew that people could identify him.

She traced the path her recent informant might have taken until she found something that qualified as a computer lab. Through a glass-plated door, she could glimpse rows and rows of connected stations. One whole wall was a still life of snaking wires and dancing connectors. Only two people were inside, one young and one in his seventies. They were ignoring each other. She’d take the chance that this was a free-for-all kind of place.

She walked near-silently on cushioned floors until she reached the younger looking one.

“Excuse me?”

“Augh!” He turned his seat faster than the teleportation myth. His wide shoulders were heavily muscled from lifting either weights or computer stations. Hazel eyes focused on her from a rounded face with obscenely plump lips that made her think about kissing.

Not that she wanted to kiss him. Or anyone. They’d only just met.

“Well?” he prompted.

She’d studied him for too long. She refused to blush. “Do you happen to know an Alan Jones? I’m looking for him.”

Before he could answer, the older gentleman stood up.

“I’ll just be leaving, then,” he said. When he reached the door, he paused to give her a little bow. “Ma’am.”

Queen & Commander (Book One of the Hive Queen Saga)Where stories live. Discover now