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Kiara's POV:

"So,what are you doing here?",He  asks as he walks closer to where I was sitting.

"I wanted some fresh air. What are you doing at this time of the night?", I ask him.

"Same as you". I look at him and smile. Just when he was about to talk my phone vibrated.


Where are you? I'm coming to pick you up.

I roll my eyes at his text and I put my phone back into my jean pocket. "Someone angry at you?",he asks.

I shake my head no and I huff in exasperation. "No. Can we not talk about it?",I ask.

I look at him and scrunch my eyebrows. "I need to get going home anyways",I say as I stand up from the swings and I check the time on my phone.

"Should I walk you home?",he asks.

"No. I'll be fine. Don't worry. See you around". I smile and start walking back to Alex's mansion.

"Try not to postpone our date!",he says. "Yeah yeah. I'll see if I can squeeze you into my tight schedule", I say as I walk in reverse. He laughs at what I say and waves at me. I wave back at him and I turn back around.

As I walk towards Alex's house I see him sitting by the porch texting on his phone. When he hears my footsteps he looks up from his phone and scrutinises me.

He looks darn cute with his hair ruffled almost as if he was running his hands through it a couple of times. So does he look hot in the dark! Wowza! Whoa - stop it Yara! You have Hunter.

He sighs as he sees me and stands up. "I don't know what I would have done if something had happened to you. Where were you?",he says.

"I bet you'd be living the life. Take me home".

He frowns and I could tell he was containing his anger.

"Fine. I'll go get the car keys". He walks into the house and I stand outside as I wait for him. He walks back and closes the door. He smiles at someone behind me and I turn to see who it is.

Great. Just great.

"Hey Ruby. Sofia is in her room sleeping. You know the drill anyways. I'm just taking Kiara home". He never calls me Kiara. He must be boiling angry. Just as he says my name Ruby's eyes linger on me for a while and she looks back at Alex.

"Yeah okay. Hi Kiara". She walks past me and kisses Alex on the cheek. She gets inside the house and closes the door. I scoff as I see her do that.

"So much for 'we're not dating'. Pathetic", I mutter. He looks at me and I could tell he heard me.

We walk towards the car and hop in. He revs the car to life and reverses. We make our way to the apartment blocks.

To say that the car's silence wasn't uncomfortable would be an understatement. I kept sending him furtive looks and so would he to me.

"I can't hold this in. Who lit the fuse to your tampon? You've been all moody ever since I ate your brownie",he says.

I snort at what he says. "I would prefer it better if we stopped talking to each other from now on". I glance at him.

He frowns and grabs hard on the steering wheel until his knuckles turn white. We arrive at the apartment blocks and he stops the car. He does not glance at me and I get out of the car. I close the door and I walk to the front door. Try not to look back Yara.

I get inside the building without glancing back and I make my way to the elevator. I get inside and press the button for top floor. The doors close and the elevator starts moving.

I'm a mess. One big ,ugly mess. I sigh as I look at the myself in the mirrors inside the elevator. The doors open to my apartment and I walk to my room. I take off my clothes and glasses and put on my pyjama jumpsuit. I walk to my bed and hop in. I turn off the light and close my eyes. Sleep finally evaded me.


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