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Kiara's POV:

I get out of my car and look over at the huge sign written in gold. Mochafied. Nice. I walk over to the front door and I walk in. Just then the clichéd bell rings. I look up at it and I smile. I look around the homey cafe and spot the gang. Morgan waves me over and I walk towards them.

When I get to the booth I sit down by the window. "Hey guys". They all look at me and smile.

"Kiara right?",Justin asks. I nod at him. "Yara".

"So,where are you from?"

"Seattle. Michigan".

"Must've been cold".

"Well,I got used to it. I practically grew up there".

"So,personal question,are your parents loaded?". He looks at me innocently and I roll my eyes at him.

"I'd sound a bit braggy if I answered you". I look around the table nervously.

"Brag woman! It's a free country".

"Yeah. They own three companies. Stanford Enterprises".

"Nice. No wonder you have such a nice car".

Just then, Hailey and Evans walk in with a blonde girl. Morgan wriggle her eyebrows at Hailey. I look at Hailey's appearance and realise that her hair is messy and she buttoned her shirt the wrong way.

"Hey guys". Hailey sits down next to me and Evans sits next to her. The girl sits next to Morgan.

"You might want to fix your hair,button your shirt correctly and hide those hickeys",I whisper in her ear. She looks at me and blushes. She walks out of the booth and goes to the bathroom.

"Kiara,this is Ruby. Ruby,Kiara". I look at her and smile and she smiles back. Alex comes back from taking our orders and the moment he sees Ruby his eyes light up.

"Seven coffees,six croissants and one chocolate mud slice".

"Wait,who ordered a chocolate mud slice?",Justin asks Alex.

Alex looks over at me and shrugs. "Just wait for the orders". Just then Hailey comes back and when her eyes land on Ruby she scowls." What is she doing here?". She points over at Ruby and stands at the head of the table.

"Hailey,sit down". Justin pulls Hailey to sit down and she follows his order. Things get awkward for a few minutes until the waitress brings our orders. Oh hallelujah. I was on the verge of dying! When the waitress walks away I pull my coffee and chocolate mud slice.

"So it's you huh?",Justin asks.

"Yup. I would literally die for chocolate". Just when I take a bite I moan. "Jesus! Do you have to make it sound so sexual?",Hailey asks as she laughs.

"Uh yeah? Maybe that's because it actually is sexual?"

Just then,everyone laughs and I shrug my shoulders.

"Whatever. You all know it is sexual. Not like you haven't moaned when you take bites from your croissants". I continue eating my mud slice and drinking my coffee. The crew and I hang out for a while and we decide to call it a day.

When I get to my apartment, I throw on my black leggings and blue gym shirt and my Nike shoes. I tie my hair into a messy bun and walk out of my apartment.

I walk out of the building and immediately start my daily jog. I start power walking then I start jogging. Just then,I spot Alex jogging and I sprint over to him.

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