Chapter one

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Riley Mathews had woken up for the fourth time in the middle of the night to her babies crying and she was just so exhausted. She felt like she was going to go insane! How was she supposed to sleep at night when her babies would always wake her. Riley got out of bed and stretched a little bit before walking into the nursery where Audrey was crying. She looked down at her beautiful baby girl and smiled, she was so cute! Riley picked Audrey up and held her and rubbed her back. For some reason whenever Riley rubbed her back she would quiet down and then giggle and then go back to sleep.

After Audrey was back asleep Riley walked back into her and Lucas's room and laid down in bed. She was wide awake now and she couldn't go back to sleep. She just laid there and stared at the wall and thought about her life. She was a mother to four kids at a young age and she was falling apart piece by piece. Lucas had started working nightshifts because they payed more money and that meant he was always gone in the middle of the night. Riley could never cuddle up next to him or fall asleep in his arms and because of this she was kinda depressed. Riley finally closed her eyes and fell asleep, and she surprisingly slept through the rest of the night.

When she woke up the whole apartment was silent and calm. she got up and went to check on her babies which were sleeping and then she ran to the kitchen to make breakfast. She made toast, eggs, bacon, and orange juice. Riley loved eating this for breakfast and she loved putting mayo on her eggs for some odd reason. When Riley was half way done with her breakfast Lucas walked through the front door and smiled at her.

"What are you all happy about Lucas?" Riley asked smirking at her adorable boyfriend.

"well I um made $1,000 today.." Lucas says smiling like crazy!

"Oh my gosh Lucas! How did you make that much in one day???" Riley asked jumping up and down.

"Well this guy said that he was looking for a male model to photograph and when he saw me he didn't care that I wasn't a model he just knew that I was the perfect fit." Lucas says hugging Riley, he already knew what he wanted to do with the money.

"Wow that's amazing Lucas! What are we going to do with the money?" Riley asked.

"It's a surprise! You'll find out later." Lucas said and quickly kissed Riley on the head.

Authors announcement: Hey guys I am really sorry about this but I completely forgot about this book! I will be updating more asap i'm really sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2019 ⏰

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