"We need to put a spell on it before we tie Hook and Naomi together, a spell that will only release them if Naomi starts trusting him," Emma explains, making movements with her hands to prove her point. "and if she trusts Hook..."

"She can hand over the sand." Regina finishes, smirking. She knew that the chances of her handing over the sand were very slim but it was their biggest shot.

"He's her father. No matter what he has done to her, that kind of bond never fades." Emma says, she walks towards their supplies and grabs a rope from the pile. "I am willing to try, are you?"


"Where have you been?" Peter says, sounding slightly angry while he walks over to the girl. "I come down only to hear that you went on a little stroll around the island with the oh so wonderful Saviour."

"If you know already, then why do you ask?" Naomi frowns, sitting down on a rock while throwing some leaves in the campfire to keep it burning. "Was I gone for that long, then?"

"Love, you left at morning. It's evening, now." He says matter of factly. He sighs, brushing a hand through his hair before sitting down next to her. He carefully wraps an around around her waist and smiles when she lays her head on his shoulder. "Just give me a heads up next time, okay?"

"No," she refuses, looking up at him. He raises an eyebrow at her. "because if I did, you would've stopped me."

"I would not," he denies, looking at her in disbelief. "I know that you can handle yourself and I trust you with that."

She raises an eyebrow back at him, "I know, but lately you have been more...clingy. Not that I mind, though."

"I haven't." The green eyed boy denies again, placing his head on top of hers when she laid down again. "I have just been...protective. And I have every right to be."

"I know, I know." Naomi sighs, she looks up into his green eyes and smiles.

She presses a quick kiss to his lips and was about to pull back but he grabbed her cheeks, pulling her back in. "I love you." He mutters against her lips.

"I know," she responds, smirking while standing up from the log. "I love you, too." She holds her hand out for him. "It's late, come on. Let's go to bed."

He smiles, "Let's go then." He says, accepting her hand. They were about to walk away and back to the treehouse when Naomi suddenly heard a leave crack behind them.

"What was that?" she asks, looking at Peter. He shrugs, nodding towards the treehouse.

"Doesn't matter, let's just go." He responds, trying to pull her with him. "Love, come on."

Naomi shakes her head, pulling her hand away from his. "I just want to take a look, I don't trust this." She says, nodding at him. "You can go on, I'll join you in a minute."

He looks at her in doubt, "You promise?"

She nods, and he hesitantly walks away. She waits until he is inside the treehouse before unsheathing her sword and walking towards the source of the sound.

"Hello," Regina says, suddenly appearing in front of her. She gasps and points her sword at her. "how are you?"

"What?" she scoffs, she hears somebody come up behind her and turns around, immediately cutting that person's arm with her sword.

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now