Chapter 35

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  Gilbert Residence
Cassie came back downstairs to see Elena and Damon were missing from the group. "Where's Elena?" She asked Bonnie. "In the kitchen doing dishes." She said with a smile. "And Damon?" She asked turning to Stefan. "He's also in the kitchen... They're talking." He said sounding disappointed. "Uh huh. I'm gonna go help Elena." Cassie said and walked to the doorway of the kitchen but staying out of sight so she could hear them talking. "How did she die?" Elena asked with a hint of nervousness. Oh boy she's fishing. "In a fire. Tragic fire." Damon said emotionless. "Recently?" Elena asked confused. "It seems like it was yesterday." Damon said with a small smirk. More like 150 somewhat years ago. "What was she like?" Cassie remained quiet as Elena continued to ask about Katherine. "She was beautiful. A lot like you in that department. She was also very complicated and selfish and at times not very kind, but very sexy and seductive." Yeah freaking crazy slut killed you. "So which one of you dated her first?" Elena asked while handing a plate to Damon. Cassie smirked at Elena's brilliance. "Nicely deduced." Damon praised her as he placed the plate in the dishwasher. "Ask Stefan. I'm sure his answer differs from mine." Damon said with a wince. Cassie noticed it. "I'd quit cheerleading if I were you. Cassie too." Damon said looking at the kitchen door. He knew I was listening this whole time. He winked at Cassie. "Why do you say that?" Elena was confused. "Oh, I saw you and Cassie at practice. You both looked miserable." Damon said with a pointed look at Elena then to Cassie. Cassie gulped. He saw that? "You saw that?" Elena spoke what Cassie was thinking. "Am I wrong?" Damon asked curious. "I used to love it. It was fun. Things are different this year. Everything that used to matter doesn't anymore. I think Cassie feels the same way. She's become more rebellious and more pessimistic." Nothing's ever gonna be the same again. "So don't let it. Quit, move on. Problem solved. Ta-da." Damon said using jazz hands to emphasize his point. "Some things could matter again." Elena said with positivity. "Maybe; But...seems a little unrealistic to me. I think Cassie would agree with me." Elena smiled and nodded. "She probably would." Yeah I would. Elena looked at Damon. "I'm sorry. About Katherine. You lost her, too." Elena said genuinely sorry. Cassie saw a glint of admiration in Damon's eyes. It hurt her. He was growing feelings for Elena too. She slowly walked away. "Hey guys, I'm gonna call it a night. My stomach is acting up. I'll see you at school tomorrow." She grabbed her coat and before anyone could say anything she was out the door.  

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