Chapter 5: Demi Lovato? Really?

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He hadn’t gone anywhere near her since they had arrived at his place. Kelli was sure that he would have tried something by now. Last night he had carried her bags in and showed her to the guest room. Then he had retreated to his bedroom leaving her to get settled. She wasn’t sure why it bothered her so much that he hadn’t tried anything. Did she want him to try something? She stood in the kitchen sipping a cup of coffee as she watched Nick read the paper at the breakfast table.

“How long are you going to watch me read?” Nick asked startling her from her thoughts.

“I wasn’t staring,” Kelli protested. Nick shot her a doubtful look. “I was just wondering why Jane hadn’t called me yet this morning. I figured she would have insisted I come over first thing this morning.”

“Maybe she’s giving us a chance to go on our first date nice and early,” Nick said walking over to her. He leaned in until his lips were inches from hers. Kelli felt her heart begin to race. “What do you say we head out now before anyone has a chance to call?”

“But what am I supposed to tell Jane if she c-calls?” Kelli stuttered out flushing at how close Nick was to her.

“I’ll think of something,” Nick said leaning even closer. Kelli closed her eyes anticipating his kiss. Her heart was pounding in her chest now.

“Yoohoo!” a familiar voice called out. “Where are you guys? In the kitchen?”  Nick pulled away with a hearty groan.

“How does she always manage to show up right when things are getting good?” Nick asked hanging his head. Kelli opened her eyes and looked at him sympathetically.

“There you are!” Jane proclaimed walking into the kitchen holding her son. A sheepish Joe stood behind her. “I thought it would be a great idea to bring Nate over to hang out with his Uncle Nick. Plus our house is kind of a construction zone right now. Not the best place for a baby. You understand.”

“You’re not planning to move in are you?” Nick asked with a wince. Kelli held in a giggle at the forlorn note to his voice.

“Of course not,” Jane replied. “But I thought we could spend the day here. I already called Dani and Kevin. They should be here in a few minutes. I knew you wouldn’t mind.”

“Shouldn’t you have asked me before inviting people to my house?” Nick asked. Jane was putting a serious crimp into his plans with Kelli.

“Oh please, they’re your family. It’s not like you two had any plans today anyways?” Joe mouthed an “I’m sorry” to Nick.

“How did you even get in?” Kelli asked stepping forward and gently grabbing Nick’s hand. Thankfully, the kitchen island prevented Jane from seeing their joined hands. Nick smiled as her thumb gently stroked the outside of his hand. Who would have thought he could get such a thrill from just holding a girl’s hand?

“Nick gave me a spare key ages ago,” Jane said triumphantly. Nick made a note to get that key back from her as soon as possible.  “Nick, why don’t you help Joe get Nate’s things from the car?” Reluctantly Nick dropped Kelli’s hand and followed his brother outside. It looked like he was going to need his brother’s help if he had any chance of spending some quality alone time with Kelli.

Hours later Kelli found herself in the kitchen drinking tea with Jane while everyone else played with Nate in the living room. Dani and Kevin had called their parents and soon the entire Jonas clan had arrived. And it looked like they would be here for the rest of the day. Nick and Kelli had only managed to share a glance here or there for the most of the day. It looked like their first date might never happen at this rate. Kelli frowned to herself.

Hard To Say No: A Nick Jonas Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now