Harry stomach bug 6k- for Smollora

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It was a few moments before he could blurt out what he wanted to say.

"I was excited for us to spend time together, and that's what we did. You haven't ruined anything!"

He squeezed Harry's hand. The conversation felt like a lot too much to have over a stained tablecloth a cheese toasties.

Harry shifted in his seat and took a sip of water. Something felt off. He had Louis's fingers entwined in his which usually made him feel totally comfortable and safe but for some reason tonight it just wasn't working the same. He was on the edge of his seat despite the simple but soothing contact.

"We all get tired sometimes Babe, it's not a big deal. I'm just worried about you is all." Louis smiled brightly, hoping to get one just as bright in return from his partner on the other side of the table. Harry raised his gaze from his lap to meet Louis' eyes but the smile Louis knew so well didn't appear. He guessed the saying was true, you always wanted it once you couldn't have it anymore. Seeing Harry's barren features made him crave that smile intensely.

"I think I'm okay." Harry swallowed.

Louis sighed and went back to his dinner. Harry took another bite of his but it wasn't too long before he was regretting and coming to a realisation about why he was feeling so strange all too late.

"I feel sick Louis..." he whimpered sadly.

As Louis looked up at him an expression of realisation crossed over his face. He got out of his seat and wandered over to Harry's side of the table to comfort him, "Aw Baby, I'm sorry. I should've known."

"I didn't know either, not until now anyway" choked Harry as his stomach quickly became more and more unsettled.

"Is it your tummy?" Louis helped Harry out of his chair and onto his feet. He only had one arm to hold on to as Harry's other had already snaked around his mid-section protectively.

Harry hummed and nodded his head as Louis lead him back over the couch he'd been so fond of all day. Louis' definitely hadn't planned to take care of his sick boyfriend for the first few days of their break but he was more than happy to do so.

"Now I'm really ruining it..." Harry moaned as he sat down. He was annoyed with himself. Of course in the short week he had to spend with Louis he had to get sick. He could only hope that he was just nauseous over a weird smell, or maybe a 24 hour bug. Anything more would have them trapped inside for days and Harry couldn't bear the thought of doing that to his Louis, so desperate to go out and make the best of their break.

"You're not" Louis told him firmly, "I like looking after you."

Harry smiled slightly at this as some of the guilt and stress slipped away, "you do?"

"Course I do Hazza." Louis shrugged as if it was the most obvious thing in the universe. To him it was.

"Well, I like to look after you too." Harry nodded to himself. He winced at the bad taste at the back of his mouth. It was only a moment later that his nausea suddenly sky-rocketed and a burst of heat scorched through his veins like he had been set on fire. He grabbed onto Louis' arms as he felt a sweat break all over his body and saliva begin to build in his mouth.

"Let's go to the bathroom okay? Don't panic, it'll all be over in a few minutes" Louis promised as he hurriedly stood Harry up upon noticing his greening complexion and frantic expression.

Harry just nodded and covered his mouth with his hand as Louis quickly lead him to the bathroom. He felt absolutely dreadful, his knees practically gave out instantly when he got in front of the toilet. He couldn't understand how all this awfulness had come on so quickly. He'd been tired all day but now it was like one moment he was only feeling mildly queasy and the next he was over run with nausea so strong he couldn't even breathe.

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