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They chained me up in cell. I had been pretty out of it when they brought me, but I had seen enough to know we were in someone's home. I was in the basement. Elias had rushed inside before anyone with Althea bleeding in his arms. I had caught the words "Charlotte" and "Healer" from Matt as I was dragged inside and down the stairs. After seeing the condition Althea was in, I was hoping that it would be the end of it. Though, I knew if Althea died, Elias would try to finish what she had set out to do, to take her place in the prophecy. I also knew that he would kill me if she died.

I leaned my head back against the wall, the stone floor cold beneath me. How had I fallen so far? From what I had gathered in the time I had been here was that those that my soldiers had taken had been rescued. Matt's people. Morven and Silas were quite dead, Yami had been injured to the point of death and had flown off. Shiro had only suffered minor wounds, and was nearly perfectly healed. Althea was alive. All but a quarter of my soldiers were dead. Considering that no one has come to rescue me, I could only assume that I had no one left to follow me. They had either been killed or had run off like cowards. I longed to get out of this prison so I could take out my outrage and frustration on those that had killed my people. Shiro, a good portion of Matt's people, Zach, and Gray had tracked down as many as they could and killed them. Because of this, I would have my revenge.

The basement door creaked open and I jerked awake. A guy with a gun slung over his shoulder walked in. I recognized him as one of Matt's people. "Come to check on me? What, has something happened?" I asked. "Yeah. Something happened to Althea. I don't suppose you know anything about that, do you?" he asked. I cocked an eyebrow and sat up. "Now why would I know anything about that? It's not like I want her dead or anything," I smirked at him. In a flash he was standing right outside the cell, and had his gun pointed at me. "If you know anything I suggest that you tell me. Trust me, if Elias finds out that you had anything to do with this, he will do far worse than anything I or anyone else could do," he threatened. I laughed, doubling over. There was a sharp pop as the gun went off, and the bullet hit the wall right beside my head. My laughter died out. "Tell me the truth, and maybe Elias doesn't have to know," he told me harshly. I looked him straight in his eyes and said as plainly as possible, "I have no idea what you're talking about,". He pursed his lips, turned, and walked away. I sighed and sagged back against the wall. I began to wonder what was going on with Althea. Could it have anything to do with what Silas did to her? Was it some side effect? What was going on exactly? The thoughts seemed to wear down on me and I started to fall asleep, slumping down.

I stood on a hill, overlooking a city. Silas stood beside me, and he laid a hand on my shoulder. "We can do it. It's not to late," he told me. I glanced over at him. "What do you mean? You're dead," I said. He smirked. "I may be, but you use the sword I used it stab Althea, get some of Elias's blood, and you can reforge it in his blood. You will be able to kill Althea with it. You will be able to," he told me. "Would that really work?" I asked, uncertain. He nodded, then turned his attention to the city. "Make me proud, Wade," he said, and then suddenly the city burst into flames. I turned toward it and we watched the city burn. "How am I even supposed to get out? I have no one else out there who'll come to rescue me. I have no other followers," I  told him. He looked over at me and smiled. "But you have me,". "Do you know what's going on with Althea?" I asked him. "Yes," was all he said then turned back to the city.

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