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Elias was the one person that could kill me. And I had trusted him. I had actually started to like him. I knew it, I knew it! I knew that I couldn't trust anyone!! Why did i think that he'd be any different?! I backed away for him. "All this time, was just to get me to trust you, so you could kill me?" I asked, my voice shaking with the anger that rising. "No! Althea, please, believe me, I don't want to hurt you! That's why I followed you! That's why I saved you from the Souls! My father told me that one day I would meet a girl named Althea, and I would need to kill her, because she was destined to be dangerous! But your not! All you're trying to do is live! I can't kill you!". He threw up his hands, trying to get me to listen.

"You remember yesterday, when I had my knife out, I tried, but I couldn't! I can't take away what your trying so desperately trying to keep! I'm sorry! I should have told!". There was desperation in his voice, he wasn't lying, so why couldn't I believe him? "Why? Why can't you kill me? I know you've killed before, people who have been desperate to live. So WHY me?" my voice had gradually gotten softer, and by my last words, it was a whisper. "I don't know, that's what I've been trying to figure out. I just can't. Everytime I think about doing it, I just feel repulsion. Also, I refuse to have my life dictated by someone else,". "Wow, that was something" said the guy who had been holding Elias. "Shut up!" Elias growled at him, and the flames behind the guys burned even brighter, and moved dangerously closer. "No" the guy said, and took a step closer to us, to the ring of fire surrounding us. Then he pulled a gun. Elias looked at me, then at the gun that was pointed at my chest. We both heard the click as the bullet slid into chamber. "Now, I know that this won't kill her, but it will hurt, a lot, and it will take her longer to heal, so yeah" the guy said, his finger went to the trigger. Then Elias jumped forward as the guy pulled the trigger. Elias grabbed me, his arms around me. He cried out when the bullet hit him. Then everything started to blur, he hit the ground, the fires died, the guys were running away, I was suddenly on the ground, beside Elias, on my knees. Then I realized that the bullet wouldn't have killed me, but it could kill him. "Elias? Elias?! ELIAS!" I was screaming. Then I guess I passed out, because everything went dark.

"Althea! It's time to get up! Come on!" I awoke to find Vik shaking me. "Hey! I'm up!" I said laughing, she always did that when she was excited, she'd nearly thrown me form bed on Christmas. "Come on lil sistas! Breakfast is ready!" yelled Zach from downstairs. We got up, and walked down stairs. "Where's Mama and Papa?" Vik asked. "They're down in the garage, Mama's helping Papa fix the door, Vikky, eggs?". "No! I don't want to eat baby chicks!" Vik said, even though we've all told her that there weren't any baby chicks in the eggs. Zach just laughed and shook his head. He spooned some eggs onto my plate. He knew I loved eggs, sometimes Vik would change her mind, and would want eggs, so he always asked her. He gave each of us a piece of bacon, and a piece of toast. "Eat up, girlies!" he said, in a voice mocking Papa's. Papa always said that when he made breakfast. Zach always did the voice for us, just to get us to laugh. "Did I just hear my twin voice?" Papa said jokingly as he and Mama came into the kitchen. Zach already had their plates made. "Thanks Zachy, this tastes amazing" Mama told Zach. "Your welcome Mama". "Hey, I was thinking we could play cards today, what do you guys think?" Mama asked. "Will Papa be playing?" Vik asked. "No, Papa has to go to work, girlie" Papa said. Vik giggled, "But, Zach you'll be playing right?". "Of course Icky Vikky" Zach replied, using his favorite nickname for her. Vik giggled, then hopped down from her chair, and skipped into the living room. "So, how's in feel being 4, four year old?" Zach asked me. My birthday had been yesterday. Vik would be turning 3 in a few days. "It feels good". "Oh, really? Thats good". "Ok," Mama said, "If we are going to be playing cards, we better go on and get into the living room, you know before Vik gets tired of waiting". And so we did. We played cards for the next couple of hours. Zach won more than anybody, Vik won a few times, I won about 5 times, and Mama didn't win at all. "It's okay, Mama, maybe you'll win after lunch" Zach said to Mama. "No, it's okay, I'm don't playing, you guys can keep playing after lunch, though". Then we all are lunch, Mama ran up to Papa's work to give him lunch. Zach, Vik, and me all played cards after Mama came back, and we played until dinner. This time Vik and Zach won the moar times, I only won a few times. Papa made dinner, and we all sat at the table eating. Around the time we were almost done eating, there were screams coming from outside. Mama and Papa stood up, told us to stay inside, and went to go see what was happening, they said they'd be back in two minutes. They didn't come back. Zach was holding my hand, and was Vik in his other arm. Vik was crying, more people were screaming, and people were cussing. There was the sound of gunshots near the house. I was terrified. "Come on, let's play a game of hide and seek, okay? Let's all go hide" Zach said. "Okay" Vik and I both said at the same time. Zach lead us to back of the house, to what he called a "safe area". Then the front door opened. "It's Mama and Papa!" Vik said before bolting. Zach went after her, but not before telling me to stay there. The screaming started up again, this time in the house. I curled up into a ball and started crying. The last words my Mama told me echoed in my ears. She had pulled me away before dinner, and said that there was a prophecy following me, and that I was destined to do great things. I fell asleep, remembering the melody of my Mama's voice.

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