"Oww. Hyung that hurt." He complained while caressing his injured chin. Seokjin is extremely worried. He didn't mean to hurt Namjoon and he felt stupid for that. "Oh, I'm so sorry Joonie. Sorry. Sorry." He said. Looking like he's the one who's hurting.

Namjoon know Seokjin didn't mean that and he look so cute while looking like a kicked puppy. "Hyung, I'm the one who got hurt. Why you look like you're going to cry?" he teased. "I'm just worried and sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." The elder said while pouting. And it looks so adorable for the younger. Especially his lower lip that looks extra thick with his pouting. Namjoon can't help but smile. "Oh, my hyungie is sorry. He's pouting like a baby." He said with a teasing tone. Seokjin glared at him. They feel stupid with their immature acts and ended up laughing with each other. They are like that when he heard the doorbell rang.

They look at each other wondering who their visitor is. "Did you expect someone to visit you?" Namjoon ask, he's not expecting someone to come in to his apartment so maybe it's for Seokjin. "No, I didn't tell anyone that I'm sick. Open the door. Maybe that's important." Namjoon hurriedly opened the door. He expected things like parcel or bills or someone like Jimin or Jungkook. He expected everyone but this.

He opened the door and saw his cousin.


A crying Taehyung with bleeding lip and bruise in his face. Namjoon is shocked with what he's seeing. "Hyung." Taehyung looked at him and it breaks his heart. His eyes is full of pain and sadness. Namjoon didn't say anything and pull his cousin to his chest and hold him tight. "Hyung." he brokenly said and cried in his cousin's chest. He's crying like a child that is not very Taehyung.

Namjoon felt rage. He's angry to the one that made his cousin cry. He's sure he'll do something bad with that person. Whoever he is.

Seokjin noticed that Namjoon is taking so long opening the door so he followed him. He saw Namjoon holding someone. He walked beside them and see a familiar petite figure being held by the younger. He look in to the younger and all he can see is full rage. He's mad. It's his first time seeing Namjoon like that. Like he's going to hurt someone.

Seokjin petted Taehyung's head. The angry Namjoon is not what he needs right now. He needs to feel safe and be comforted by them.

"Taehyungie. What happened?" he softly asked. The boy look at him. He saw his whole expression, his teary eyes his bleeding lip and bruises in his pretty face and it breaks his heart. It's not the Taehyung that he met in their wedding. Not the cute boy that suddenly hug him and said that he likes him. He's not that. He's the Taehyung in pain. Lost and vulnerable. And he hates it. With that one night he became attached with Taehyung and he cared for him like how he cared for Jimin and Jungkook.

He loose his hold with his cousin and hug Seokjin. His hold is tight. Quite painful for Seokjin but he didn't mind. By the way he hold him, he's sure the boy is scared. "Taetae can tell hyungie what happened right?" he tried talking to Taehyung like how he talked to Jisoo. Maybe it works. He looked at his and husband and told him to get some water for Taehyung. It is a good way to calm himself down.

Fortunately Namjoon didn't refuse his order and walk in to the kitchen to get water for his cousin.

By the time Namjoon is not with them, Seokjin cupped the boy's face to look at him. "Tell hyung what happened okay. Now let's sit." Taehyung noticed the futon and some stuff in the living room.

"Sorry, hyung has been sick lately and I've been sleeping here with Joonie." He explained. Taehyung is still looking at him. They settle on the futon. "So do you want to tell us what happened?" he asked again. Taehyung looks worried. The elder can feel his distress, he hold Taehyung's hand to give him comfort. "Don't worry. You don't have to tell me if you're not comfortable. Do you want Joonie?" he gently ask. Seokjin tried to be gentle as possible. He know that Taehyung is really sensitive right now and he don't want to make a wrong move to make the boy more upset.

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