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We were on the highway, it was branching out into a hundred crowded lanes.  We've been in the car for six hours already without stopping.  Helicopters dotted the sky and the radios stopped working, even the ones that streamed from my phone.  I was watching one of the videos of Felix, his "Paris" adventure, we found out he got to Paris, California, a little town that he'd visited in second grade with his family. 

"So I guess Felix can only go to places he has been to before, guys, that's that.  Um, check out our next video, but no one watches these things... so...bye!"

I smiled.  The car braked and I rammed into the seat in front of me,  "Ugh, what the heck!" My parents didn't say anything so I looked out the windshield.  Men in Army camoflauge were talking to people in the cars.  Most people got out while others drove to the side of the highway were more soldiers talked to them.  My heart started beating and I couldn't breathe, my fingers gripped on my mother's headrest.  "Don't worry baby, we're not sick.  We're not sick"
Yes I am!  I'm sick, mommy help me!
I couldn't say that, I mean I could but I didn't.  I wanted to text Felix to come here and do something but i was stuck in this seat. 
My dad rolled down his window nervously, he was sweating.  "Afternoon, sir." "Hello there" "We are just doing a routine check, nothing to be scared of.  It's just a precaution."  My father slowly nodded his head and the soldier put his arms through the window, "We are just going to prick your finger with this little thing and then you can move on, ok?" My father stuck out his finger.  My mother leaned out of her seat, "Are you checking to see if we are sick sir?  We aren't sick.  We're not."  "It's just a precaution mam."  He came to my mother's window and pricked her finger.  The man knocked on my window.  I didn't roll it down.  He knocked again.  My face was a blistering red and shaking, "baby lower your window." My mom said looking back.  I couldn't do anything, my powers wouldn't help me, they'd just expose me.  He knocked again, harder this time.  The man called out and three more soldiers came and called for the girl to get out the car.  "That's not necessary, she is just scared that's all." My mother said with red eyes.  "Lucy."  My dad said sternly.  I didn't look at him, I couldn't.  The men opened the door and I almost fell out.  They grabbed me and ripped me from my seat.  My parents got out the car and started yelling at the men.  They had to hold my father down.  The man yanked my hand and jammed the little machine into my finger and stared at the back of it, waiting for a response. 

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