I turn this over in my mind. It's true. I hardly bothered to think about it, but since Sabrina is back into my life, I'm over-analyzing everything again.

"He's next door right?"

I nod suspiciously, "Yeah, but-"

Too late. Sabrina dashes out of the room. I groan. What is this girl up to now?

"Hey, Luke!" I hear her say. "Cool room."

"Ermm thanks?"

"So, Caroline told me about the operation you guys are working on. We're actually working on plan two now. Do you want to join us?"

He pauses for a moment before saying, "Sure."

Sabrina bounces in a few seconds later, looking extremely pleased with herself. Luke walks in behind her, looking slightly confused.

Sabrina sits on my bed and gestures for Luke to sit beside me.

He flashes me a smile and I smile back at him. He sits beside me, close enough that our shoulders are touching.

Maybe Sabrina knows what she is doing after all.

She clasps her hands together, "So plan one failed and your parents ended up having sex instead of fighting." She hugs one of my decorative ocean blue pillows to her chest, "Sex is when a girl, like Caroline, and a boy, like Luke, are very passionate about each other and they get naked and the boy inserts-"

I am going to kill her.

"Sabrina, our parents already gave us 'The Talk.' We don't need to hear it again," I say, blushing. I can feel Luke laughing beside me. I slap his arm.

"So you guys are working on plan two?" He asks, sobering up.

"Yes," Sabrina answers, "We are going to throw away Elizabeth Mary's shaver."

We both stare blankly at her, waiting for her to elaborate.

"Well, a woman's shaver is a very important item. I remember how crazy my mom went when she misplaced hers right before her big office party. If we throw Elizabeth Mary's shaver away, she'll blame it on the only person sharing the bathroom with her, which is Caroline's dad."

"That'll cause them to fight," Luke nods, "And this plan can't backfire on us because they won't have sex due to my mom's prickly legs."

I laugh out loud. Luke smiles cheekily at me. I grin back at him, butterflies swarming around my stomach.

We stay like that for a few moments, just smiling at each other, until Sabrina coughs and we both jump away from each other. She smiles at us, "Now that you guys are done making goo-goo eyes at each other.."

Avoiding each other's eyes, we deny at the same time, "We weren't making-"

"Yeah sure, keep telling yourself that," She rolls her eyes.

I bite my lip and look away, grinning. Sabrina is right. We were making goo-goo eyes at each other.

"Guys?" She asks, snapping me back into attention. "Do you approve of my plan or not?"

"I think its a good plan," Luke shrugs.

"At this rate, I'm willing to try anything to get them divorced," I say. And to spend more time with Luke, I add, but not out loud.

"Alright, you guys know what to do," Sabrina throws the pillow down and stands up, "I'm leaving."

"What?" I ask, frowning, "Aren't you going to help us?"


"Oh then..." I trail off as she bounces from my room. I jump when the door slams shut loudly.

Luke lies down on my bed, "Can we perform the plan tomorrow? I'm too lazy now." He grabs the nearest thing towards him and hugs it.

"No," I shake my head and look away so that I won't get too excited seeing him lie down on my bed, "We have-"

Luke shouts, interrupting me. I whip my head back at him, "What?"

He holds up the teddy bear I haven't seen in weeks. The lipstick wiped off it, but red stains still remains. A shiver travels down my back. I hate that bear.

"What is this doing on your bed?" He demands, fright clearly visible in his eyes. Looks like someone isn't as tough as he makes out to be.

"I don't know. I haven't seen it in weeks," I stare at the teddy bear. Fear isn't what I'm feelings now. Curiosity is. I don't remember seeing the teddy bear when I came in earlier with Sabrina. I wonder how it got there.

"So it just appeared on your bed?"

"Luke, you are a crazy, delusional bitch," I roll my eyes. "Sound familiar?"

"Wait, so you were telling the truth?"

"No," I say sarcastically, "I was lying because I want everybody to think I'm crazy."

He drops the teddy bear and mutters, "I'm sorry, for not believing you."

I shrug, "Its okay. You do now so-"

I stop talking when he pulls me into his lap and wraps his arms around my waist. He buries his face in my neck and releases a shaky breath.

I freeze, my mind turned completely into mush. Is Luke actually hugging me? I keep telling myself to relax, and so I do. I wrap my arms around his waist and lean into him, putting my face on his chest.

Hugging. I've never hugged anyone besides Sabrina since my mom left six years ago. My dad isn't much of a hugger. Hugging him feels completely different than hugging anyone else. It feels so natural and so good that I have to remind myself that I'm not dreaming.

I like this vulnerable side of Luke. I really do.

When we finally pull away, he doesn't look me in the eyes.

I cough to break the silence, "So, I'm going to go downstairs and grab something to eat."

"Great, I'll come with," He stands up and offers me his hand. I hesitate for a moment before taking it.

He smiles and I feel one forming on my face.

I like Luke.

I really do.


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Falling For My StepbrotherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora