"I'm. Going!" I said while speeding up. He groans and begins to thrust into my mouth. I know he's close.

"Yes baby! Youre such a dirty girl" he groaned "fuck! I'm coming!" He gripped my hair. I began to hold onto his thighs for support. "OK! Fuck OK you can go!" He yells while exploding into my mouth.

"Fuck baby! I love your mouth!" He said while helping me up. "I love you" he said while trying to peck my lips. I have his children into my mouth for fuck sakes!! I pushed him away and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

"Come on baby! You could always swallow!" He yelled from the room. Like fuck I will! 'Bad gyal no swallow nuttin. Damn I love Nicki!!'


"Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody

I wanna feel the heat with somebody

With somebody who loves me!" Lord, please help my beautiful ears.

"GET OFF THE FUCKING STAGE!" Shaw yelled at the girl who's trying her very best to sing..... Not! But she kept on signing.

"BOOOOO! GET OFF!" Tiffy yelled. They are going to get us kicked out!

"Will you stop!" I place my hands over Tiffy's mouth. "I love coming here you know! Its my celebration so I don't want to get kicked out!" I scolded.

"OK fine" shaw pouts.

"Good. So, who's gonna be my maid of honour?" I knew too well that they are going to fight for that spot!

"I want to do it because I'm older!" Shaw yelled.

"Nuh-ah I'm doing it because I'm best at planning shit! And I DON'T GET HIGH ON BROWNIES!" Well damn. Tiffy justified her reason quite well.

"DON'T DO THAT!" Shaw pointed at her face "YOU KNOW WE NEVER HAD A CLUE THEY WERE LOADED WITH WEED!!" And that's my cue to leave.

"Where are you going!?" Tiffy yells behind me.

"This is my night! I refuse to be thrown into jail because you two keeps arguing about my fucking wedding!"

"Geez sorry Lena" Shaw said and hung her head low.

"Is that information accurate?" What the fuck does he want now!?

"What do you want! This doesn't concern you, Jason!" I hissed.

"Of course, it does. Your MY fiancée Lena! You can't marry someone else!" He glared while stepping closer to me.

"Touch her. I dear you to fucking touch her twit!" Shaw said while taking off her pumps.

"Relax sniper I'm just stating the facts" he said while looking at me.

"Have you bumped your fucking head!? I'm no longer YOURS! I'm Nick's so don't you dear to tell me that I am yours because YOU SHOULD HAVE THOUGHT ABOUT THAT WHEN YOU WERE FUCKING MY BEST FRIEND AND GOT HER FUCKING PREGNANT!!" I began to cry. How dear he!

"You got Lucy pregnant!? Your pull-out game is weak twit. Just like you. Youre a weak ass bitch. Now go before I do something I would smile doing!" Shaw said while stepping closer to him with her switchblade.

"I don't take threats likely Shaw" he said while stepping closer. Something bad is going to happen tonight!

"Babe send David to come get me. Things are not going to how I plan them" I called Nick. I have to get out of here. While I was on the phone trying to convince Nick that I'm alright he hung up. I knew too well he's on his way. Cassandras was just a few minutes drive from the house. And his Ferrari has speed.

"Jason, I suggest you leave right now" I warned him. I know Nick is going to do something really bad.

"What you told your rich boyfriend gold digger!" He hissed "You know I never saw you as one. Never in my mind I would have thought that you Selena would just be with someone for money. But you have proven me wrong huh" he said while stepping closer to me. "What I still have money you know. Not as much as rick kid but I still have so you can have all of it if you come back" he said while gripping my arm.

"Leave her the fuck alone!" Tiffy snapped

"I don't need your fucking money! I don't need anyone else's! I don't want you! Now leave me alone and go back to your baby mother! She's going to need child support" I said while swatting his hand away. He didn't like what I said and the next thing I knew was that he slapped me into my fucking face!


"I will do it again if you don't come to your fucking senses!" He began to drag me to his car. Shaw and Tiffy tried to peal him off of me but he was too strong. The next thing I knew I heard a card skidding down the road to our direction.

"LET HER GO YOU FUCK TART!" Jason yelled from the car.

"SHE'S NOT YOURS! NOW LEAVE LET ME CARRY MY WIFE HOME!" Jason spat. Things are going to happen!!

"What did you just say?" Nick stepped towards him.

"You've heard what I said!" At this point in time, I was wrapped into Tiffy's and Shaw's arms I just know someone's gonna get hurt. And it won't be Nick!

"I'm warning you Jason. Stop pushing me. You have no idea who youre fucking with" he said in a dangerous voice. I've never heard Nick this way before. It scares me.

"Who the fuck are you!? Does it look like I give a fuck!" He stepped closer to him, so he was in his face. They could practically kiss!

"Leave it alone Jason" he said and walked towards me.

Suddenly Jason latched on to Nick's hand and gripped him. "I said youre not taking her anywhere!" Jason warned.

He began to laugh. A dangerous laugh that sends chills down my spine. "Baby take your friends and go into the car" he said to me while his eyes never left Jason's.

"No! I'm not leaving!" I snapped I'm not leaving him!

"Babe go into the car with your friends" he repeated.

"Come on Lena!" They dragged my arm. I don't want to leave but I have to. When I finally reached into the car, I saw that they were talking. I have no idea what, but it was heated.

Suddenly I saw Jason shoving Nick and he began to punch Jason. The last thing I heard was a loud explosion.


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