When I pulled my hand away and felt my fingers the liquid was thicker than sweat.

"(Y/n) your bleeding." G told me and shuffled through my hair a little trying to find the wound.

"No kidding." I muttered and He left for a second before coming back with a warm and damp towel.

He put it against the back of my head and told me to keep pressure on it while he got more.

I soon started feeling light headed.

"G-G..." I whispered my voice loosing itself in my throat before I felt the carpet underneath my side.



My head and arm throbbed in unison as I woke up and put a hand to my head finding it bandaged.

What happened?

I sat up on a soft couch that wasn't mine, it didn't sag in one of its cushions, but it was still comfortable.

"Oh good, your awake." A voice came from somewhere else, they sounded familiar.

"Who's there?" I asked sitting up and felt the couch sag somewhere to my right. My leg bent towards the person, they were wearing a jacket.

"I never really told you my name, it's Asriel." They spoke and I shook my head lightly.

"G's friend?" I asked and they shifted before answering.


"What happened?" I asked pulling my legs away from them and setting them on the carpeted ground.

"Someone tried to jump ya, but G got you outta there before they could do any real damage." I only nodded and felt my arm which was also bandaged.

"Where's G now?" I asked when the door open.

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear." He murmured and I faced the warm sunlight to my left. These guys didn't have any window in the room did they?

"(Y/n)! Oh my goodness are you alright my child?"

I choked on my spit a little from the familiar voice.


Soft arms wrapped around me and I hugged back forgetting about not liking hugs.

"She's alright Tori, just a little scraped up, but she's ok." G's voice said somewhere to my left, he was quiet.

Asriel was dead silent.

"He's right Toriel I'm alright." I smiled when she pulled away and she probably looked at my bandaged head and arm before hugging me again.

"Thank goodness." She sighed in relief. "What happened?"

"She got jumped in an alley, I got her out of it."

Toriel shifted, turning to G. "Have you two met before? G doesn't just save random people."

G coughed a bit awkwardly.

"G and I met on the road." I shrugged.

"Yeah, on the road." He said still quiet, I hadn't realized it before, but without Toriel here, G was practically yelling all the time.

Her silence said she was suspicious but she just shook it off and hugged me again. Now I was starting to get bothered by hugs again and stiffened little till she let go.

"I'm sorry I forgot." She said sheepishly and I just nodded.

"Do you think she should stay with us till she gets better?" Asriel spoke up quietly, his voice was barely above a whisper.

"Well, I do believe its up to (Y/n), would you like to come with me or stay here child?" She asked and I smiled a bit sheepishly.

"Um, I'd like to stay with Asriel and G." I told her.

She seemed a bit disappointed but agreed.

Before she left I heard her talking, well more like threatening G.

"If she gets hurt or looses so much as a finger Sa-"

"Yep! It was nice seeing you too Toriel." He chuckled covering the last bit of the name.

G was either lying about his name, or it was an old name he didn't like.

I sat on the couch quietly until Toriel left and then G sat on the other side of Asriel.

"Don't expect a lot of stuff to happen while you're here." He told me and I nodded.

After awhile Asriel stood up mumbling about going out for a walk but I just heard him go down the hall into a room, I assumed was his bedroom.

"Why say he's going on a walk when he just goes to his room?" I asked turning towards G's aura when he turned on a TV.

"He walks around in there."

"You mean he paces?"

"Yep, or just sits on his bed, he does it every time Toriel comes over." He explained making me frown.


"No reason." G said nonchalantly and I backed off, if he didn't want to tell me I shouldn't press.

While G watched TV I tapped the ground with my foot getting slight vibrations that showed me the room's lay out.

"Why are you doing that?" G asked, he sounded a bit irritated.

"Well there's nothing else to do, and besides it gives me a sort of map to the room I'm in."

There was a pause before G sighed and probably turned back to the TV.

I tapped a bit quieter, though the vibrations weren't as good, I got a 'dim look' at G. He was wearing a jacket and boots with baggy pants, I think they were jeans.

He was sitting with a remote in his hand pointed at the screen off to my left and in front of him.

"Please stop that, haven't you gotten a good look at the room?" He asked and I stopped with a blush.


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