contraction part 1

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Baileys POV

So today was my first day having contractions and it hurt so much i found out that the gender was a boy. We found a name and all but that comes..... later then my baby came over and we kissed and said hi. In math class it was harsh when they had hit it was crazy everybody thought i was dying and it looked like i was dying and in labour at the same fucking time but everybody was all chill the whole school is now giving me names to name him and the school said i can stay in school until im in labour then take online classes until im ready to come back. Shiit i said in math because of my goddamn contractions which i hate. Even my bullies which i don't have love me because im like that duh.

Chance POV

So i seen my girlfriend bailey we said hi and kissed and she is having terrible contractions well it is like a month now anyways while we were in math she gritted her teeth and dug her nails in my skin it hurt like hell but the teachers let her stay in school until otherwise and all then it happened again but she said shiit fuck fuck fuck. Then lunch came only thing she wanted was ice cream and Graham crackers and peanuts with strawberries she eats anything she wants. Right now we are talking about names when it happened again the contractions but when we found out the name of the boy we then told The caffeteria we told them his name is jordan ryan baldwin after I had told them my child's name she had more contractions it is really crazy because she is just having them more and more and I wonder if it's close for the baby's birth I'm so afraid. But never mind that. I'm going to ask her out on a date.  "Hey bails I was wondering if u wanted to go on a date tonight."   "That's great chance I can't wait omfg yes I have the perfect outfit. Yes, she said yes can u believe this now tonight I'd going to ask her out properly.

What will happen at the lovely candle lit dinner who knows
Word cnt: 422

Sorry for the terrible delay I wasn't feeling so great but I hopefully am back and ready u guys are so great and I love y all soo much for it tux😍😅❣️😘💝💘

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2018 ⏰

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