I ran back to my room to check that coin. And indeed it was there.

After that I came back downstairs again. I don't know what else to do. This whole thing is eating me up.

"Is there really not even a single way to turn me back.?" I asked crying this time.

"Hey...hey don't cry. I think there is a way." He said.

"What is it?"

"If the person, for whom you spend all your wishes. Because of whom you make those wishes, loves you back and kisses you then, everything will be back to normal but you can't tell about it to anyone, you can tell everything but this. as soon as you tell someone the secret of you turning back, everything will end at the spot." He explained.

"I'm sorry I can't do much. And now that I have done explaining to you I'll have to leave. We'll never see each other again. I hope everything works out well for you. I wish I could help you. I also don't want you to stuck like this forever." He said

"And one more thing you only have three days left. After that you'll be stuck like this forever. Good bye." With that he walked out.

There is no way mark hyung would ever kiss me. I'm never gonna turned back. My life is ruined now.

I cried harder covering my face with my hands. I guess I cried for like 10 minutes continuously.

When I looked up I saw both mark hyung and Jackson hyung are staring at me.
They looked worried.

"Jinia... Are you alright.? Did something happened here just now?" They both asked.

I can't say anything at the moment I cried again.

"Jinia...if something's wrong you can talk to us" this time mark hyung said and came near to me.

I can't hold it anymore.

"Hyung please save me please love me back." I said still crying hard.

"Jinia what's wrong who said I don't love you. In fact we both love you." Mark hyung said.

There is no way he would understand what I mean. So I just ran up to my room crying.


Two days passed without me doing anything, just crying in my room. Not even eating. What could I do. I'm really helpless. There is no way mark hyung would kiss a little girl without reason. My life as jinyoung is about to end forever.

"Jinia....common you really need to eat something." Mark hyung said bringing food for me. Jackson hyung was behind him.

"Jinia.....why aren't you telling me anything. Why are you always crying.?" Mark hyung asked with sad eyes.

"Hyung....would you believe me if I tell you something?" I asked.

"Of course why wouldn't i?" He asked back.

"Because it's insane. I'm actually jinyoung not jinia. I kinda turned into a little girl." I told him.

"What are you talking about?" He asked getting up from my bed.

"That's true." Jackson hyung said seriously.

"What the hell is this. Are you guys kidding with me.?" Mark hyung said kinda getting angry.

"This is reason why I never wanted to tell you." I cried again after seeing his reaction.

"Are you guys insane."  He said again and left the room angrily.

"Jinyoung why did you tell him now all of a sudden?" Jackson hyung asked.
"Because I finally wants to know how would he reacts. Because from tomorrow I no longer will be jinyoung. I'll stuck like this forever." I said.

Thirteen (Markjin)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon