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Kurloz's Pov:
I was working on my compUter when my lil' bro,gamzee came down

"wHaT tHe fUcK aRe yOu dOiN' bRo?" he said.

I grabbed pen and paper and wrote:
"working.did yoU set the alarm at the at the wrong time again?"


"that's the 3rd time this week yoU shoUld really check if yoUr pUtting the right time."

"i kNoW jEgUs cHrIsT yOu dOnT
hAvE tO rEmInD mE!"he yelled

he tUrned away from me and started heading to the kitchen so I continUed working.he got something from the kitchen and went back to his room.

almost done.I thoUght to myself.

I typed in the last few words and saved it.

I checked my email for anything new,there was nothing so i started exiting the tab when sUddenly i got a new email it read:
Hey there I need you to work work another presentation finish it by tomorrow
Your boss.

FUck!!!!!I shouted in my head,I would've shouted out loud if I could speak.

Goddamnit!!I again shouted.

I worked the first one for hoUrs I didn't even get any sleep and now I have to work on this!!!!!!!
I started going mad bUt I forced myself to calm down-ish.


sUddenly there was a notification  I checked it said:
So what do you think?

I mentally sighed I went to my compUter and typed:
Yeah sUre that would be great.

I typed sarcastically.

Great! Now I want you to work on a presentation based on wether or not we should change the paint and why and what color.

My eye twitched for awhile.

well its not that bad just a few words to go thr-
I was cut off by another message:
Oh by the way it has to a 2,000 word description. It read

I slammed my head on the keyboard repeatedly as thoughts kept coming in such as:
What the fUck yoU want a 2,000 word report for paint just paint!?!?!
What the fUck i worked all night on the first one which was only a 1,000 word report based on the company's income and how we can improve it and now I have to work on a 2,000 word report based on paint!!!!!!!MUTHAFUCKIN' PAINT!!!!!!! HOW RETARTED CAN HE BE!!!!!!!?????!!????

I was close to flipping the table with my computer over when I noticed gamzee standing there with eyes wide open

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