A Thousand Stars and Fractured Mirrors

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Dedicated to

The rejects- the ones who have tasted the bitter broth of isolation


T'was an endless dance of jumps and twirls,

And trapped between the music and pre-patterned stampede,

Stood a little invisible girl

Undeniably out of beat

Lest she be forced to bow

Under spiteful laughs and dancer's disdain

She slipped, hidden, between the raucous crowds

Obscured in a corner, drizzling tears of shame

And by and by

Her already indiscernible form

Eroded into the curtained night

Such transpires when flower's caught in a storm

Yet every decade, least one born

The irregular child, the fated misfit

Jettisoned for not heeding what's norm

Naked feet wetted by strangers spit

In a world of clockwork creatures

One cannot miss a screw nor gear

Or when dissected by the terpsichorean

Like a broken toy, be tossed to the rear

And thus she was discarded,

Her place forever amid the cursed

A social pariah, a leper- regarded

For her little heart pulsed to a different tempo

In their world of Perfect pirouettes

And pre choreographed constellations

She was but a fault

In their precisely disarrayed stars

They blindly condemned her individuality

Viewed her divergence as a flaw

Their narrow nerved pathways couldn't perceive

The beauty in a misshapen doll

Their jabs and jeers cut like scissors

Tore apart her bleeding foreign heart

Her eyes, a million stars and fractured mirrors

Her soul finally subdued by self-hatred's conquering dart

Deceived by annihilating words

That lethal arrow, propelled

From the ugly mouths-not her-

Spewing spittle and suicidal truths

Hitherto, her story reaches culmination

I should know, for I was her-

The invisible girl who met an invisible assassination

The puppet who cut her own cord

Her spirit echoed an offbeat song

Her sickly wrists bleed blue blood

I was ill-fated never to belong

To remain eternally unloved

To remain eternally unloved

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