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The rest of comic con flew by like a super windy day. The piece of paper Tom handed to me was soon in a good hiding spot in my 'Attack on Titan' jacket. Every two to three minutes I was checking to see if it was still there. I was terrified of losing it; it was very dear to me.

"For the love of God Jade STOP! It's not going to be going anywhere!"

My best friends Chey and Nat were with me when they saw Tom hand me the piece of paper with his personal number on it.

"Guys I'm sorry. It's just I'm terrified to lose it and not hold onto it forever. I know his number is already in my phone but you didn't hear what he said to me when he handed it to me."

That's right. I never told them because I slipped the paper behind my drawing into my jacket without anyone knowing. Let alone I didn't tell them what Tom said. I really didn't want anyone else but them to know of the piece of paper and what Tom said to me.

"Jade, we know he has the hots for you. He was looking at your drawing for at least five minutez. He normally just went by fast with other people but he took time with you. Jade, he cares about you."

I wasn't 100% sure if he did care because he is a famous celebrity, and I'm just a girl who people passed by every day and not taking a second glance at me. Chey and Nat know my dating is the worst and men never seemed to stop and see my broken soul. They knew how bad my nerves get when I feel alone. The most difficult one for my nerves is trust. Trust is like a foreign language to me and one that is easily destroyed.

"I'm not sure you guys. I don't want people to know he gave this (while pointing to my chest) to me and I don't want it to become a public thing. Let's be honest, I don't think I can handle getting hurt again."

They got the hint dead on. They knew my nerves had resurfaced. The reactions they give to me when they know they had crossed the line was one they never should've crossed.mat least they get the hint fast enough.

"We are sorry Jade. We stepped too far. We will be with you to support you no matter what happens. Whatever went on between you and Tom is your personal business."

"Thanks you guys. I'm sorry if I sounded like a jerk to you. I'm just very nervous to text Tom. I mean, what should I even say to him? I'm nervous and worse of all... my nerves are starting to get the worst of me.

Falling for Tom HiddlestonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant