Chapter 2 {UNDER REFERB}

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  6 months had passed and you and Dib had become really good friends.
(Yes it's been 6 months because it took Zim and Gir 6 months to get to earth and we wouldn't want to leave them out now would we? :P) Often times you guys would go out on paranormal investigations while you brought snacks. It was a thing you guys did every Thursday and it was the best day of the week for you.

  Even Gaz didn't mind you. In fact she gave you tips on your own video games and you two sometimes played online games together. But there still would have been times where she couldn't care less about certain things you talked about. But that was understandable.

  Today was Thursday and you and Dib were looking in woods for some kind of vampire squirrel thing. It confused you, but he explained it patiently. As the two of you were hiding behind the bush, you began to tell stories that the both of you have heard thousands of times. But still, you found them as funny and interesting when you first heard them. "Remember the time I raised the dead while you were at my house?" You snorted. "I sure do remember. When we screamed you beat me like an octave higher." Dib pushed you playfully. "I did not!" Dib said protesting. "You sure did! Then-" You were trying to hold back laughter but it was near impossible. "Your Dad came up stairs and got all the zombies out." You laughed really hard. "It was so unfair on how I got in trouble! You helped me read some of the more bigger words in Latin." He exclaimed while you were still laughing hard enough to make your insides hurt. "Remember the time when you stayed over at my place and slept on the couch then my computer randomly blasted a song and my mom came in with a bat yelling thinking someone broke in?"

  Dib smiled. "Boy that was a bit scary. It's good to know that your mother can protect you from robbers no problem." Your smile faded. "Yeah." you mumbled. "Is everything ok?" You sighed. "My Dad used to protect me and my mom." The two of you stayed silent. Dib had a tendency to get uncomfortable when people started to cry so he took quick action. "Well...he's still out there! He sends postcards to your mother every chance he gets. Like that one during Christmas." Dib said trying to keep things positive. You nodded. "I know. But it gets to my head and drives me insane. One of these days he could pass on. I hate living with that." Dib patted your back. "While he's fighting out there he would want you to fight and stay strong here right?" "Mhm.."
"Well you guys are pretty strong! I know you can do it!"

  Dib was an incredibly good friend and you couldn't care less what the other kids would say. You both gave each other moral support, and stood up for each other when the time was necessary.

  "So how's your mixtape going?"  Dib asked looking once more at the trap he set up. "It's going good," you responded. "I'm adding a bunch more of older songs my dad likes besides the ones in the mixtape he gave me."
Before your father had left, he had given you his CD player and a CD mixtape of all his favorite songs.
(You might be smelling a reference here. Then your nose is correct.)

So unsure of what to give him when he came back, Dib suggested you make him a mixtape. He even taught you how to burn music on CDs from the computer. (I still use CDs and I had a Portable CD player a few years ago that I got at target. Tacky? Hell yeah.)

"So far I've got Prince, David Bowie, and a lot others." You said smiling.
(If you want to imagine other artists that's completely fine. These are just some I would choose if I were to make a mixtape. Its all up to you really :P)

Before Dib could respond, you both heard rustling, then a snap. You both looked at each other then ran to the trap to find a pretty menacing squirrel. "WE DID IT!" You said bursting out with excitement. Dib had snapped a photo of it and smiled. "Now I just need to upload this to a few forums! Thanks for helping me out with this." You smiled back. "Anytime! I love doing this." And with that, the two of walked back home.

  As soon as you got home, you saw your mother in the living room tying her apron. "Oh hi honey!" After she was done tying she came over and enveloped you in a warm and comfortable hug. "I hate to say this but I have to work pretty late tonight. Are you alright with this?" She asked as she put her arms on your shoulders. "Yeah! That's alright Mom. I understand." She sighed with relief. "That's good." As she pecked you on the forehead she walked over to the rack to grab her coat. "I'm sorry I can't stay long, but there's a BLT in the fridge that I got from the diner for you. Call me if you need anything, And on the refrigerator there's Professor Membrane's number if it's urgent and I can't make it in time. And go to bed by 9:30." You nodded and she smiled. "Alright baby, I love you," she said smiling. "I love you too mom." And just like that she was gone.

  Later that night at 9:45 you were eating your BLT sitting on the couch watching an old alien movie. Often times you were laughing to yourself because of some of the acting or effects. As soon as the women screamed in the movie, you suddenly heard a window in the house break and a thump. You froze for a minute and frantically turned off the television. You didn't know what to do, but more noises and clatter sounded like it was coming from the kitchen. You slowly got up and tip toed to the phone on the coffee table and tried to dial 911 but it didn't take you long to realize that the cord was chewed clean through. There was only one option left. You tip toed quietly to your room and grabbed your BB Gun. As you glanced at the kitchen you saw light coming from the fridge and loud chewing noises.

  This frightened you and as you slowly got closer aiming the BB gun. You saw what appeared to be a green dog on his hind legs. You screamed and soon enough the dog joined in with a high pitched robotic one. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" You screamed still aiming. The green dog was hugging a sandwich and shivering with fear. You lowered the gun and walked a little closer. "Don't hurt my sammich!" He said as he hugged the cheese sandwich close. Ok, this clearly wasn't anything to be afraid of. You dropped the gun and sat down to get to eye level with the thing. "I won't hurt your sandwich I promise." You said as he then calmed down.

  "Oh you poor thing, are you an orphan? Do you need food? Let me see you." As you flipped you were shocked to find a little robot staring back at you.  "HI!" He said screeching. "You're pretty lady!" You blushed a bit. "Why thank you." You said smiling. "What's your name? My name is Y/N." The Robot still kept smiling. "My name is Gir!" Huh. "Where are you from Gir?" He started to jump up and down. "The sky! Me and my master are gonna bring doom on earth! eeheheheeh!" He said giggling. His grammar was obviously lacking but he didn't seem like a threat. But then it hit you. This and the alien Gir mentioned were probably the aliens that Dib mentioned months ago. As you snapped back into reality, Gir was on the computer mashing buttons until Space Oddity started playing. He stopped, and became memorized by the song.  "Who dat?" He said as he pointed at the computer screen.

  You smiled walked over to him and the computer. "That's David Bowie. He played music. Do you know what music is?" He responded, "MUSIC!"

  "Heh yes. You're actually listening to music right now." He smiled again "oooooooo." You thought for a moment. "Would you like a copy of my mixtape?" Gir turned his head to face you and stared. You were uncomfortable until he screeched, "OK!" You smiled, picked him up and set him down and began to do some work on the computer. He began to wonder off into the kitchen again. Once you were done you found a cannoli in his mouth. "Here you are. It's just a prototype. I'm not exactly done, but it's what I have so far." You handed the disc to him and he opened up his head and stored it in there. He stood there smiling at you and you smiled back.

  "I go now!" He said running to the counter and jumping out the broken window. Before you could run after him, you looked out the window to find he was gone. At this point you were super tired and all you wanted to do was sleep. So at last you got in your bed and fell fast asleep.

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