Update On Her

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Sad suicidal girl sits in the tub. She broke up with her boyfriend she's prepared to end it all. Remembers she has to work tomorrow so she's gonna be needed there with her Mcdonalds family her sanctuary. Then has a panic attack because her need to be nice stops her from doing the one thing she has to do. So she sits in the tub balling and goes to bed. She's sits at the edge, wanting to die but can't. She sits with the constant sound of water. It calms her. She goes back to school sees a peace of paper in her locker that doesn't look familiar. she opens is lots of hope it's from her exboyfriend. Or a close friend. Telling her something to make her feel something. It wasn't and she sad down at her locker and cried. Went home got high for her last time and decided to get her life on track. Get thin, get hot, get educated. She hopes and wishes she can have that in life. Because she knows "no one notices your tears, no one notices your sadness, no one notices your pain, but everyone knows your mistakes" Battling a war on her head. Do it, don't, do it. Everyone will be better off. Decided she'd do it that night. Later in the day she spoke with a old friend that right there was enough to make her try to hold on another day. That's all it takes sometimes. Or even a hello in the hall from someone. It could save a life.

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