five.//it just kind of happened.

178 4 0

(quite short.)



Harry's smiling, despite the bruising under his eye from the field fight.

Louis mirroring his actions in the doorway, despite the cut on his own cheekbone.


Harry stepped back in the doorway, motioning for Louis to come inside, eyes flicking to the basket of candy in his hands.

"Date food," Louis nodded, cheeks heating. "Tried to find something of everything. Figured we'd discuss your favorites for next time."

Harry grinned, nervously combing his fingers through his curls, unsure what to say after the comment about "next time."

"Theatre rooms, uh, down those stairs," Harry explained, pointing towards the area. "I've just gotta grab some blankets from-"

Louis headed in the direction Harry had directed, coughing, "Rich ass," before glancing back with a grin.

"Fucking prick," Harry smiled, glad they were finally back to themselves.

Harry might've checked himself out in the bathroom three or four more times before sprinting down to Louis with a pile of duvets and throwovers, but Louis didn't need to know that.

The date is bliss and Harry can't even remember when it happens, but, it happens, at some point during the second or third movie.

His eyes are tired and it's definitely near midnight but Louis' are wide when makes the move, one hand intertwined confidently with Harry's, soft smile present on his face as he stares at the younger boy, TV screen illuminating the features of his pretty face.

"I like you," He whispers, nodding surely. "I don't think I want anyone else to have you, Harry."

Harry doesn't even consider making the, I'm-not-your-property-speech, for the first time that he can remember.

He only knows that Louis has taken him by complete surprise and makes his stomach feel warm and the corners of his mouth turn upwards without him even thinking about it.

"Okay. Then I'm yours, Lou."

And that was it, really.

They were dating.

It just kind of happened.

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