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"Please I need you, your my everything"
"Pa-lease all you want is my money Alex. I'm leaving."

I hate watching student made films like these they suck. Blehh.

"Harper, har-perrrr. Hey HARPER."

"Huh what, oh sorry. I was thinking"

"About what that cute guy you saw in the parking lot Thursday" , Julie said.

She's like my only friend since I moved here so that's good.

"JULIE HE WAS NOT CUTE", I whisper screamed.

"What ever, wanna go to a movie Saturday?".
"Uh yeah sure. What movie?", I say.

"Idk guess we'll find out", she says as she stares blankly at the screen.

I hate this class with a passion. It's so boring, it's like that one class you always have that makes you want to kill yourself.

"Ok guys that was the end of 'Big and bad' made by one of our students here in class. Jonah Maiden will you please stand up.

Omg Jonah made this wow this sucks hah. Anyway I wonder why he wanted to talk to me Thursday.

"Hey Harper,I think we should go see death wi-", Julie said before being cut off by the teacher.

"Miss Deal and Miss Sigmon do I need to give you detention?",Mr Church said.

"No" we both said at the same time.

"Let's talk later" I whispered.

Later after school I met up with Julie and she had some boy beside her. I thought maybe it was her bf but she didn't look to like they kind of girl to go for someone like that. He had dark brown hair with light blue eyes, he was tall and well built. He had a nice jawline with cute dimples. He wore glasses but he looked good in them. Maybe a friend of hers.

As I got closer I heard them talking about a party they were going to tonight. I wonder where it was I like parties so I might just go.

"Hey Jules." I said as I looked at the boy up and down.

"Hey what's up Harper. Me and Liam were just talking about a party tonight. I was wondering if maybe you would want to come?" She said.

"I would love to. Where is it" I asked, pretending to not know they were talking about the party.

"It's at my place around 9" Liam said. He had a smooth almost sexy voice. He was kinda hot but guess Julie and him were friends so I wasn't gonna take advantage of that.

"Oh ok well Jules do you think you can pick me up mom has work tonight so she'll have the car." I said. My mom had to get a job since we just moved here and we need money.

"Um I'll pick you up if you want." Liam said shyly.
I don't know why he intended to answer all of Julie's questions.

"Well I don't care but what about Julie?"
"I can drive myself. I'm fine Harper"

"Well..ok thats fine I'll text you my address then, I just need your number" I said. His eyes lit up when I said that so I'm guessing he's wanted my number for a long time. Anyway I gave him my number and we talked for a little.

"So instead of standing here talking let's go to Starbucks and talk more." I said. We started waking to the car when a black Camaro almost ran me over. All I saw was headlights before I was jerked backwards by very muscular hands. When I finally got my footing I turned around to see a pair of bright blue eyes starting at me with fear. I thought I was going to faint at the sudden impact and being jerked back.

"T-thank you" I stuttered. I can't believe he saved me. I was to in the moment to notice he was still holding on to me.

"Your welcome. That douche could've hit you."
"Yeah who was that?"
"I don't know but I'll find out"he said as he walked over to the car. Oh god he's gonna beat him up
I don't even know this dude!

"W-wait you c-can't! Liam wait I'm fine! STOP! LIAM STOP!!" I screamed. He opened the guys' door and pulled him out. He started cussing at him telling him to watch where he's going.

"You asshole watch where your going you could've hit her! If I ever see you again I will beat the living shit out of you, you got it?"

He turned around to face me with a fist full of the guys' shirt.

"What!" He screamed at me.
"You can't just go around beating people up for girls you don't even know! I mean come on, think about what your doing right now." I said. I mean seriously it was nice that he saved me but that was all he didn't have to go and do this crap. He started to lift his arm and punch the guy in the face but before he could I jumped in front of him.
All of a sudden I felt the impact of Liam's fist making contact with my face. I heard someone scream and all I remember is someone grabbing me up.
"She's awake" someone said.
"Oh god what have I done. I'm so sorry Harper I didn't mean to I swear." And mans voice rang out in my ears.

"Liam?" I asked in a raspy voice.
"What happened?" I asked again.

"I uh..I accidentally-" he said but he was cut off by Julie.

"He went to hit that douche in the face but you jumped in front of him and he punched you. There I said it." she said as she looked at Liam, who's jaw was on the ground.

"I swear I didn't mean to." He said.
"It's fine, I'm fine. It doesn't even hurt that much."

"Well I think we need to get you out of my house and into yours" Liam said. Why was I in his house? I thought. Whatever I guess I have to ride my bike back home.

"Do you have my bike? And your house is nice." I said surprised.
"No I'm going to drive you" Julie said
"Oh ok well I guess we should get going. Oh yeah and what time is it?"
"7:00" Liam answered. Wait but the party is at 9. I don't have much time then.

"Ohh how long have I been out? my gosh, the party starts in 2 hours!" I said trying to stand up.

"Woah there. You could've been hurt so it's good that you were out for a little bit. And it doesn't matter you still have a while to get ready. Oh and instead of you going out maybe Julie should run and get you some cloths." He said

"Yeah that's fine I can do that I promise to pick you out some decent cloths just give me your address and your key and I'll go right now."
Ok not sure if that's a good idea I mean I don't even know Liam let alone stay with him by myself. I was jerked out of my thoughts by Julie shaking me.

"Dude give me the keys....Harper..DUDE!"
"What, oh sorry yeah hold on." I said as I scrambled to get my key out of my pocket.
"Put it in upside down and turn to the left. I think only my bottom lock is locked. Oh yeah and my address is 307 Wendy lane. Third house on the right."

As she left I watched as Liam went to I guess was the kitchen and pull something out of the cabinet. I see him put some water into it and he got a pack of crackers out.

"Here you need to eat something, your pale and shaky." He said as he handed me a pack of crackers and set the water on a side table. I didn't even realize I was sitting on the couch.

"So um what do we do now?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2017 ⏰

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