Chapter 22: Business Discussion

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"Ok...ok...sooo I was thinking you're off for the next few weeks. You should fly out to France and visit. I'm home for good now and I miss you." Elisha said defiantly as if me saying no was not even an option. "Plus, I have a couple things I need to discuss with wise and I need to do it in person."

"Things to discuss with me? Business wise? Things like what?" I asked curiously. What could she possibly have to discuss with me that had to do with her business?

"Umm yea." She retorted almost sarcastically in a valley girl voice.

She's so mature and sophisticated, but at times with comments like that it's hard to remember that she's not that much older than me at thirty-three years old.

"Listen there's no if's, and's, or but's. I emailed you the plane tickets, they're already purchased. Just pack a bag and it'll be a little romantic getaway for you and Zac for a few days."

I rolled my eyes at her persistancy, "Fine Aunt Elisha, let me discuss things with Zac and I'll call you back." I huffed in my best melodramatic voice. Deep down inside I was ecstatic, it's been forever since I've seen her!

"Ok sweet pea, call me! Love you!" She cried happily into the receiver.

"Love you too Aunt Elisha, I'll call you." I sang out before hanging up the phone. Now all I'd have to do is get Zac to agree to going to France. Easier said than done...

"Oh god, we should've just listened to you sweetness and hired movers." Aiden panted heavily out of breath as he brought one of my boxes into the loft. Thankfully we both had the night off from the bar, so I'd spend it unpacking. "For one person, you sure have a hell of a lot of boxes."

"Geez, tell me about it!" Chad chimed in following closely behind him. "I counted this as my sixth box I'm carrying up from the rental truck."

"This would be my ninth and finally the last box." Zac called out as he kicked the door shut behind him.

I was sitting comfortably with my feet crossed on the sofa reading the lastest edition of Starz gossip mag. What? It's not like I didn't offer to help! None of em would let me lift a finger so I curled up and got comfy for a bit before I have to get to the nitty gritty and unpack!

"I brought up six boxes too! So tell me, how does one little girl have a whopping total of twenty one boxes? What did you Every single box was heavy as hell!" He complained throwing himself down on the sofa next to me.

"Hey I offered to help, so I don't wanna hear it." I retorted while sipping on my glass of iced tea. "Besides I had to pack everything in designated boxes so it'd be easier to unpack. I didn't just throw everything into three boxes just like you guys did."

"We're gonna head over and unpack." Chad conveyed leaning down to kiss me sweetly on my cheek.

"Thank you for all your help, Chad." I began, smiling up at him. Giving Aiden a pointed look, "Thanks to you too whiney." I joked leaning over to hug him.

"Hey...I'm not whiney. The boxes were heavy!" Aiden cried in outrage.

"C'mon let's go." Chad laughed as he punched Aiden playfully in the arm. "We'll be over at six for dinner."

I offered to cook a home made meal as a thanks for the help. I invited Aiden, Chad, AJ, Reese, and even was only right....I mean he does live in the building too and we were all getting along.

Setting down my magazine I walked into the bedroom to find Zac unpacking his boxes of clothes. Yes, his three whole boxes!

I began opening my boxes and unpacking everything, "So, I got a call from Aunt Elisha today." I began slowly waiting to see what he'd say.

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