abuse only makes me strong

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"1.…2.....3...open your eyes​. What do you see?" I see pain.......pain and suffering the red reminds me of blood, blood that was spilled by abuse. " " Good, good, what else do you see?" "I see crying faces.......the faces of those who only wanted better than to be beaten by those whips or clubs that they had no control over."

            Those were the last words I heard before the attack the attack that killed my mom and dad... After the attack I went to live with my grandma and grandpa who were extremely abusive.
They blamed me for the death of my parents and called me names like bitch , demon child,and practically every other name in the book. My life was not all bad tho I had a place to live and food to eat but if I showed I was content I would be killed and my grandparents would make everything seem like a freak accident or something. I would often leave thru the window to go to an abandoned cabin in the woods that I found and fixed, up they never noticed I was gone. I had connected the electric cords to the power lines and used the city's power. That was my safe haven. Till that all changed with a single flyer on a telephone pole. " Hey Desiri what you got there?" Also I had a friend his name was chris, he was my only friend. " Oh nothing", he ripped the flyer from my hand " this is that youth military training program no you can't be thinking of going can you? "Yes I am"

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2017 ⏰

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