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Happy readingggg!!

I woke up a little late today it’s Sunday come on I love lazy Sunday mornings. After getting ready and having my breakfast me and my dad are now watching tennis match on television. My dad loves tennis but I’m not a sporty girl. I have not yet told my parent that I am going to zayn’s house after some hours…. Which I am going to lie by saying that I’m going to lily’s house.

It’s almost three now zayn still hasn’t texted me the address. Was he ditching me?? Was this all a joke?? No I don’t think he can do something like that.

My thoughts are disturbed when my phone buzz on the table in front of the couch. Dad beside me eyes my phone, before he can pick it up. I grab it from the table and open the text. It’s from zayn I’m lucky that dad didn’t see it. I don’t want him to see how his name is saved in my phone “zaynie”.

Even though it makes me laugh I change it to “zayn”

The text reads “8th floor, Crystal apartments, Hastings rd” it’s not that far. I think it takes ten minutes from the park near our school where we met. I text him back that I will meet him in 20 minutes. I don’t want to take a bus so I prefer walking.

I don’t know if I should tell my dad or mom that I am leaving? I decide to tell my dad.

“Uhh dad lily texted me that she wants to hangout with me at her house so I am leaving” I tell him awkwardly looking down at the ground.

“Okay get back by eight” he says his eyes focused on the television.

Without wasting any time I put on my vans and leave the house without saying goodbye. If I had waited any longer there they would have known that I am lying.


After walking for somewhat fifteen minutes and following the address I reach at a tall building. I check the boldly written name at the reception. The apartment looks a bit pricy and posh. Zayn and Louis must be very rich to afford a apartment like this. As I enter the building I walk towards the lift and press the eight floor button.

I am quite nervous now. I tug my phone in my black jeans pocket and straiten my light blue cotton shirt. I want to look good not that it’s a date or anything but still…

The elevator door opens and I step out of it. There are three rooms on this floor zayn didn’t tell me the room number. Shit what should I do?? I can’t knock every door asking if its zayn’s flat.

I should call I remove my phone from my pocket and press call beside zayn’s name.

“Hey” he picks up after two rings.

“Umm hey… can you come out of your flat?” my nervousness speaks for me.

“Sure” he mumbles and hangs up. I stand awkwardly near the elevator waiting for one of the three doors to open.

Suddenly the first door opens and reveals a shirtless Zayn. My eyes immediately move to his chest he has so many tattoos. His body is not that muscular but well toned. His denim shorts hung on his waist loosely revealing a little part of his black boxers. They can fall anytime…. I look away from his chest to his face after which feels like hours.

Luckily the corridor is empty he waves his hand gesturing me to come inside. I walk towards the door and enter into his apartment. It takes a little time to get everything in my head. His apartment is huge. The walls are painted white and his furniture is of the color brown. It’s very beautiful. I expected to see a messy house because they are two boys. But it’s neat and tidy.

“Hi” Zayn says shyly and walks towards the brown couch in his living room. I follow him he gestures me to sit.

“Sorry I was getting ready I knew you would be here any minute” He says referring to his naked chest.

No zayn I enjoyed the show really!!

I say that in my mind.”Ready for what it’s just me” I reply, he nods with a wide smile and leaves the living room.

Zayn returns fully dressed and stands beside the couch. This is quite awkward.

“Umm let’s go to my room yeah?” He says and I get up from the couch and follow him in his bedroom. While going to his bedroom I pass through his kitchen. There are there rooms in his apartment one is his and the other one but be Louis. I don’t know about the third one.

“Your apartment is really beautiful” I tell him as we enter his bedroom. It’s same like the living room. Not at all decorated

“Thanks it came furnished” He smiles and removes some books from his bag I just stand near his king sized bed.

“Okay so let’s start” Zayn says and sits on the floor crossed legs, I join him there. So he really was serious when he told me to help him in maths. I thought he just wanted a excuse to see me. Well I was wrong.


“Ohh my god!!!! Zayn stop…..” I shout but he doesn’t move instead he keeps tickling me. I can’t even breath I’m lying on the floor he is on top of me his hands moving on my side.

“Admit it that I am smarter than you!!” he shouts and gives me the devilish grin which makes me laugh even harder. My hands are pressed to his chest trying to get him off but he is too strong.

“Never!!” I reply and he tickles harder. He thinks he is smarter than me that is so not true my answer to that maths problem is correct.

“Ohh my god !!zayn I’m going to die stop!!!!” I try to control my laughter and shout even louder. He stops and pulls me up. Now he is strangling me, most of his weight on my lap. My hands are still on his chest. Both of us are panting because of laughing so hard. His hands slowly move to my waist, he pulls me closer to him I don’t stop his movement. Our faces are so close to each other I can feel his breath on my lips. My eyes move at his red lips I want to kiss him so badly.

Just when I feel that our lips are going to touch the bedroom door files open causing us to divert our attention towards it.



I can't upload "grace & harry"  "grace & zayn " edits here so I'll put them on twitter. check them out if you want :)

Heart's DesireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora