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His hair is perfectly pushed back, he is wearing a plain white t-shirt and black jeans. He looks handsome even in such a simple outfit.

“Mind if I join you??” he says with a smile.

I gesture him to sit next to me. He joins me both out backs pressed to the tree.

“What are you doing here alone?”He asks.

“Nothing I was bored so decided to come here what about you?” I look at his arm full of tattoos. Tattoos reminded me about harry. I should not be thinking about him right now. 

“Me too” He simply said.

“Do you come here often??” I ask him because I have met him here before.

“Yeah actually it’s my secret stop because its quiet mainly no one comes here but you stole my spot now” He says cheekily.

“Ohh really, well it can be our secret spot” I mumbled

Why did I say that ohh god!!

Zayn just smiles his smile is so beautiful the way his tongue comes between his teeth. He looks at me and I look away I should quit staring at him.

We sit in silence for some minutes staring at the small fountain.

“Let’s play 21 questions yeah??” Zayn says with  excitement. I give him a confused look. He continues “We don’t know each other properly so it’ll help us to become friends”

“Who said we are friends?” I tease him.

“If we are sharing my secret spot then we have to become friends right?” he smirks.

Is he flirting with me?

I laugh at his answer, he sits Indian style facing me, his hands in his lap.

“So you start” he tells me. I don’t exactly want to play this game but he looks excited so I don’t want to ruin it for him.

“What is your favorite color??” I ask him. Oh god that is such a lame question

I know he is hot but get yourself together.

“Blue. You used to live in Chicago??” he asks.

“Yeah only for something like three years but originally I am from here. What about you??”

“I am originally from Bradford” he says and I nod.

“Do you have any siblings??” he asks. I shake my head “No. you?”

His smile widens “Yeah I have three sisters”

The rest of the time we keep taking about our family. He tells me about his sisters. The way he talks about them it seems he really loves them. He shyly tells me that he can’t swim which I think is really cute and that he can’t dance which again I find it cute. He hates math’s just like me. He says that his family still live in Bradford he stays here with Louis.

When I asked him who is best friend was he proudly said harry and Louis. I wasn’t interested in talking about harry so I asked him about Louis. They both stay together in a sharing apartment. I find zayn very friendly and sweet. He said he never had many friends because he was too shy to talk to them. Well I don’t think so…

As the time passes we both forget that its been two hours since we were talking. I check my phone I have no text from anyone. But it’s time for me to leave my mom would become furious if she finds the house empty.

“Zayn I think I should leave now” I look at him. He gives me a nod and stands up holding his hand out for me. I accept it and stand on my feet.

“So umm … do ….should I walk you home??” he asks nervously and rubs the back of his neck looking down at his feet. I smile at his nervousness, he is really cute.

“Umm .. if….. if you want to” I mock him while laughing. He notices it and laugh with me. We start walking towards my house. We walk in silence for some time.

“Hey umm grace…. I have this math’s test on Monday can you help me with it?? I am not that good at it” He says and I look at him smiling.

“Why are you asking me I hate math’s ” I smile at him. Okay I hate math’s everyone does but that doesn’t mean I am not good at it. I get A’s in every subject.

“Yeah I know but you are a nerd. I know you can teach me something in it” he teases.

“Okay but on one condition”

“What’s that??” he asks curiously.

“Don’t ever call me a nerd” I say with a serious tone.

“Okay malady” he smiles at me and I can’t help but smile back.

We reach at my door step and exchange our phone numbers. He tells me that he will text me his address. I thank him for such a amazing time. I laughed like this after so many days. I liked his company.

When I get home my mother is still not back from work so I decide to change and watch some tv.

After changing into plain short, I make myself comfortable on the couch and flip the channels on the tv. There is nothing on tv today. I sigh, my phone vibrates on the small table in front of me. I check it, it’s a text from zayn. I smile at the screen and open it.

Message from zaynie: what are you doing nerd?

I know that what he saved his name as in my phone. And how dare he call me nerd again.

Message to zaynie: you called me nerd again have you forgotten my condition zaynie!!

I smile at my reply. My jaw hurts because of smiling so much I haven’t been so happy lately. My phone vibrates again. He is a fast texter.

Message from zaynie: sorry just don’t bail on me at the last moment please I’ll fail :(  

I laugh at his reply.

Message to zaynie: don’t worry I am the best teacher you’ll ever get. There is no way you are failing.

I  rest my phone on the table after giving him a reply. Flip some more channels on the tv . My phone buzzes again and a smile appears on my face.

Message from zaynie: thanks meet you tomorrow  bye xx

I keep my phone on the table after giving him a reply as “okay”. I decide no to tell my parents that I am going to zayn’s apartment tomorrow. They will just make a big deal out of it. As a back up plan I text lily telling her to cover for me. She agrees when I say that I am going to meet a friend I didn’t tell her that it’s zayn.

Well I am just waiting for tomorrow.





and also i need a cover for this book help me get one. do you guys know who makes a good cover??

anyways thank you for reading bye ily :)

and i have also made some "grace & harry" "grace& zayn"edits :)

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