Chapter 13/ Closure

Start from the beginning

"Why do we have to go!" She whined.

I smacked her into her face "Get a grip of your self-woman! Its 12:00!" Her eyes grew wide, and she looked like she was about to cry!

"I'm going to get fired! I'm late for work!" Oh shit! She needs to go home and sleep this off!

"Tiffy you know where she lives?" I asked.

"Yea. Not too far from here"

"OK let's get a taxi for you OK take her home and set her alarm at 7. And leave some aspirins and water on the night table so she can take them when she's up OK!" I sounded like a mother!

"Yea OK. Let's go!" She said while I helped Tiffy cross the road. God damn these shoes are killing me!

"TAXI!" I called and one stopped by my foot "Take her to the destination OK. I'll see you tomorrow!" I kissed her cheek. Shaw is crazy!!

Shit! Now I'm all by myself! Ugh! While walking down the road, I spot a neat little café. Great I need some coffee. It was homey and the aroma of coffee clouded my nostrils.

"A double espresso with double the cream. Hold the sugar" I told the cashier.

"Having or going?"

"Going" I know I'm already late so what the heck? While waiting on my order I felt someone's gaze on me, and it felt fucking creepy! I shifted my head to look behind me, but I found no one.

"Here's your order mam" the server gave me my coffee.

"Thank you" I said and walked outside. Now I don't Think I'm imagining things, but I know someone just stepped off when I did and is walking behind me! I began to walk faster but these god damn shoes!!

I turned around and yelled "What the fuck do you want!??" I yelled at the man standing in front of me "If you come any closer, I swear to God I will scorch your fucking face with this coffee. Come any closer bitch!" I spat.

"Wow you would really hurt me?" He.... What the fuck is he doing here!!?

"You fucking scared me you dim Wit! What the hell is wrong with you!?" I yelled.

"I saw you tonight and I just wanted to talk to you Lena. You don't accept my calls or texts. And I don't see you at work. Where are you staying?" He said while coming closer to me.

"There's a reason for that..... Jason! You made me have a fucking heart attack! You banged my best friend into my bed multiple times!" I stepped closer to him "You know what fucking hurts? I knew a long time ago! I was just waiting for you to say something, but you didn't! You played me Jason! You knew you never wanted a fat ugly swine for a wife, but you just made me stay with the title till you were tired right?" I glared at him.

"Jason's 'fiancée'" I mocked "But let me tell you something Jason. I have found someone who will love me. All of me! My stretch marks, my cellulites and my big ole booty! And I love it! I am a BBW (big beautiful woman) and I am proud to be one! Now will you excuse me I have to get home" I said while walking off.

"She's pregnant you know" he said. What the actual fuck?

"Well congratulations. Youre a daddy now!" I said excitedly.

"I didn't want it to be her Lena, I wanted it to be you" he hung his head low.

"You have spread your bed! Now lay in it!" I hissed "Now go to your baby mother she needs you." I said while phone rang.

"Baby I'm sorry I got a little held up." I told Nick. Was I still in front of Jason? Yes! Did I care? Fuck no! "Its nothing important I'm coming. Yes, I know youre going to punish me baby I don't mind" I said in a seductive voice. "OK fine! Tell him I'll be in front of Sophia's café" he literally wanted to wake David from his sleep to come get me! Of course, he won!

"So, youre fucking him?" He spat.

"That's none of your fucking business Jason!" I spat while walking away.

"I see that his money is showing on you. You look good Selena" ugh!

"His money!? I work hard for my money fuck face! All of this" I gestured to my clothes "I paid for that shit so don't....... You know what fuck you"

"OK Selena just know that he's going to hurt you!" He yelled.

"YOU DID!! YOU FUCKING HURT ME! YOU AND THAT WHORE I CALL A BEST FRIEND!!!" I yelled. "You know what, I'm tired. Have a good life Jason. Find your happiness" I walked off to see David pull over in the parking lot.

"Get me out of here David" I whispered.

I'm happy to get my closure.

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