Chapter Four - Ethan

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I stopped believing in soulmates for a number of reasons. The biggest one being my sexuality. When things pop up on my skin, I keep getting the vibe that there's a dude behind it, and that's just not right. I'm not gay; I can't be! I'm not homophobic or anything, I just know I'm straight. So this boy that was my so-called soulmate? Probably not, sorry. I'm just not feeling the whole gay thing. I'm totally into pussy, as straightforward as that sounds.

I don't want to sound unempathetic, but I just really, truly don't believe. Reason two? I don't think anyone could learn to love me that way. I've had that being drilled into my head since high school.

Five years ago

The tall, muscular jock shoved Ethan against the lockers, pinning his arms at his sides. "Alright, fag. Why the Hell did you think it would be okay to go anywhere fucking near Lucy?" the bull yelled, making Ethan flinch. He was abused like this every day, for the smallest mistakes. This bulky was reducing his ego little-by-little, wiping away Ethan's courage to do anything. It came to the point where he was so used to being hit, he would even flinch at a high-five. The boy was dying inside.

"She's my chem partner, Damien. Fuck off." he said, making the bully growl. Ethan flinched again. "Excuse me? Listen, fag. Lucy is mine. Don't ever talk to her again, or you'll get your worst beating yet. You hear me?" The defenseless boy nodded in fear. "Good. Now, let's get this over with, faggot." the bully said, cracking his knuckles. While Ethan was still pinned to the lockers, Damien kicked him. Ethan just stood there as tears rolled down his cheeks, taking the abuse.
With every hit, Ethan felt himself being drained away. He lost hope that he was even going to survive high school. When the bully was finished, he just smirked. "Nobody could ever love a fag like you." he said, before walking away. Ethan had no friends to notice the totrure he was subjected to on a daily basis, and no strangers that were stupid enough to try and help. The bruised boy went to school every day, and nobody ever stopped the abuse. It kept going until school was over. And by that point, Ethan was over, too. There was nothing left.

Present day

Every day, the bully would tell me that I was unlovable, that I had no soulmate. Every day, I believed him a little bit more. I gave up on love. I tried to find something to prove him wrong, anything. Every day, he called me a fag. Ad every day, that was the one thing I would have over him that would keep me going. Unfortunately, that was the only thing he was right about.

Ever since meeting Tyler, I felt like those years of my life feeling unloved were washing away; like God was making up for it. All that remained was a happy boy with a nasty past, one that was slowly being forgotten. Tyler was helping me feel loved, for the first time in five years. It gave me hope that one day, I might find a girl that liked me. One that would love me and give a shit wether or not there was bruises covering every inch of my body when I came home. So why did it kill me so much to see the hurt look on Tyler's face when I told him what I thought?

"O-oh. Really...?" he asked, his voice cracking a bit. Why was he so upset about this...? "Yeah. Jeez, I thought you of all people would understand me. You're my best friend, Ty..." I said, but before I could continue he just silently stood up, and stormed off. "Ty, wait!" I said, running after him. What did I do wrong? I stopped, sitting on the sidewalk. I'd just lost my only friend...


"Hey, Ethan... You alright buddy?" Mark asked, sitting next to me while I was sulking on the sofa. "No, I don't think I am." I answered honestly. He smiled sadly. "Why are you here, anyway. Shouldn't you be with Sean? He just got here, after all." I said, standing up. "He's asleep. Look, Ethan... Ty told me what you said..." I felt my heart sink into my stomach. Was Mark going to kick me out? Great, first I lost Ty, my only friend since high school. And now Mark?? "Well, I'm sorry to hear that. I thought I could trust you guys with my feelings! Why is what I said so offensive to you?!" I yelled angrily, making Mark cringe.

"Ethan, what? Its not offensive, not at all! Ty is just upset because-" "Because I remind him to much of his dysfunctional family? Yeah, well that's not my fault!" I yelled. Mark looked really upset. "Calm down, Ethan. Please." I was about o open my mouth to talk, when I realized that he was right. This wasn't like me at all. "Sorry, Mark. That I yelled at you." I said, and Mark just smiled. It's not me you need to apologize to. But the effort is appreciated." he said, pointing to Ty's room. I felt bad for saying that. I really did. But I believed it. Can you take back something you believe in?

I walked in, to find him holding a pen, contemplating whether or not to draw on himself. "Hey, Ty." I said, making him look up. He smiled at the sight of me. "Hey, Ethan! Look, I'm so, so sorry about storming away..." he said, running a hand through his curly brown hair. I smiled, just relieved he wasn't still mad at me. "It's fine, Ty..." I trailed off, sitting on the edge of his bed. "What's wrong?" he asked, tapping the pen against his bedside table. "I.. Nothing. I'm sorry. I'll give soulmates one last chance." I said, making Tyler breathe a sigh of relief. "Thanks, Ethan. I smiled. Maybe, just maybe, I could find a way to give Tyler's way a chance. Right?

After all, he was my best friend.

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