What was there was my room, clean like yesterday. No one was in it, or I think. I looked back only seeing my bathroom where I had came from. When I looked closely in my bed, I was wrong. There was someone in here. There was a blanket and someone was under it. I did the smart thing and stayed back and gently pulled the blanket down so I could see who was laying down. 

It was that girl who I had seen next to Liam in my bed and Louis. They were laying down asleep next to each other. I saw a knife that was slowly raised up by Louis's hand ready to stab her. I quickly ran and slapped the knife away causing it to fly into the wall. That's when his eyes opened.

He sat up quickly and ran to the knife to get it out of the wall as I wake up the girl to get her out of the bed. When I see that the knife was slowly getting out of the wall, I just grabbed her and went straight to the door. I was so glad that I was strong enough to even carry her, but not for long. When I opened the door, it wasn't the stairs that I usually expect, it was a hallway, or  should say corridor. It looked super haunted, but I closed the door back and started going my way through the hall to find a door. I opened it up and it seemed to be a place where you do laundry, I suppose. Well it did have a washer machine and dryer. I locked the door and laid her down. 

I pushed the dryer in front of the door, which seems to be lighter then I thought and then the washer machine. As soon as I was finished, Louis started banging on the door trying to get in, causing the girl to wake up. "What's happening?" she asked looking at me. 

"You're going to get killed if we stay here, let's go and find a door," I said. "What's your name?" I only asked that because if I was familiar with her name, I knew what to do or at least think.

"My name is Eleanor. Who are you and why are you here? How did you get here?" She begins to ask question that blew my mind for a second and then the next, I begin to look for an exit, which was a tiny window and opened it up.  "C'mone we can get out of her through this window." The door got a huge hole it in while Louis tries to stick his arms through to push the dryer and the washer machine. 

I hopped through the window quickly and fast and waited for her to come, but the window closed shut before she could reach the window. She tried opening it up, which was odd because it was unlock. "Get something to break it!" I shouted. I tried to find something on the ground that would break the glass of the window and all I found was a rock. 

The first couple of times it only cracked as I looked at Eleanor. She grabbed a chair and told me stand back. Then she threw the chair through the window. Some of the glass has got me, but I didn't care, all I did was try to help her go through. Then Louis got through...

"Come on!" I screamed at her as she got half of her body through the window, but Louis got to her fast and start pulling her legs while I grab her arms and pulled. Louis was stronger than me, I could tell because she was more in the room then outside. "No!" I screamed as her ams slipped out of my hands. "Help me!" She says before she hits her head straight on the floor. Then she was out of it. I saw him drag her out of the room while there was little bit of blood trail following them.

A hand went on my shoulder causing me to jump and turned around. But there was nothing there to be afraid of. All I saw was a lightning heading my way. I quickly go back inside the room and go into the corridor. All I heard was loud screaming coming from the room. I quickly opened up the door, to find him stabbing her over and over again while they were on the bed. Luckily she was still alive. 

I ran and pushed him over and he falls on the ground. He gives me a laugh while I hear beeping noises that were in the room and suddenly it stopped. 

A bunch of knives fell from the ceiling and landed on her body and she does her last screams.

A light flashed as I could see Liam looking at me, as I still had my hand in the air. "Oh glad you're okay there. I thought we had lost you." I looked at my mom that was still in the doorway and she gave a little smile at me. I sat up and looked around the room to see if anyone was there. What I mean by someone was Eleanor. I wanted to know about her since she trusted me to save her. Then when I think about it, she must of gave me a sign that means something is going to happen. I quickly got off the bed and looked at my bathroom door. It still had that hole in it. Then knives flew down from the ceiling and stabbed into my bed.

Some knives didn't even make it on the bed, they landed on the floor making a loud sound that sounds like a glass fell on the floor and broke. Harry and Zayn rushed in the room, soaked and wet. Must of been from the rain outside. Harry came up and hugged me causing me to be wet also. "Are you okay, Jen?" he asked. Then in a split moment before I could tell him "no", the house went dark. 

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