The Fourteenth Letter

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I know I have said I had given you every reason to want to leave. I should have known you would leave in the end, but it did not feel like that in the beginning. We had something going. It was important to me, more precious than anything. I loved it. I simply enjoyed the thought of being in love with you.

And then you took the enjoyment with you, and I was left on my porch alone as the taxi pulled up. That bright yellow hue that typically meant happiness and joy was taking that away from me. I could only stand there as I watched you step into the cab. You did not even look back. The driver spared me a glance. It may have been of sympathy, but he didn't even bother to speak. I did not, either. I could not trust my words in that moment. I always had the feeling something like this would have happened. I had just never expected it to be so sudden.

You made sure of that. I guess you always thought it would be best to give me just a little taste of what could have been, just a sliver. And before I was addicted to the feeling, you left me. Perhaps, it is best. It's not like I was ever in love with you or anything, right??

Love, Tom.

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