The Third Letter

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A strange memory came upon me sometime after nightfall. I was somewhat certain I had fallen asleep and woken up in a confusing dream of the past. But it was not confusing, not entirely. It was a familiar glimpse into what we had experienced together. We were seated in your living room on those old, worn-out sofas your mother was always talking about replacing. The stuffing was starting to seep through the sides, but the sofas were still functional. I watched you run your fingers through the thin cotton, and you removed a bit of it, twirling the stuff around in your hands. You caught me watching you, and I looked away quickly. I was as shy as ever then. After that, you brought up Elvis, and you told me your favorite song was Heartbreak Hotel. I remember thinking that it was a good song, but I never really knew why it was your favorite out of all the songs Elvis did. And I'll never know. Sometimes, there are good things in life, like the music of Elvis Presley. And then there are the bad, like all these words I will never say, but we both know I will not cease to think them.

Love, Tom.

Love, Tom - a T.P. FANFICTION Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ